Hello. I have a question concerning AU.
As I have started to notice hair on other parts of my body disappearing I am concerned that my eyelashes will eventually fall out.
So far, my head is probably 3/4 bald, my arm hairs are very fine, pubic hair very scarce.
Does anyone know what the chances are of losing eyelashes when one is affected by AU?
I think I could cope with losing eyebrows because they can be tattooed on, but eyelashes would be a bigger hurdle and challenge for me.
Thank you

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Hi Kim,

I lost everything including eyebrows/eyelashes. Both can be tattood on. Having this done was really good for me.

Sorry if this is discouraging, but once my head got to 3/4 bald, all the rest of my body hair disappeared pretty quickly, including brows and lashes. As you know from reading other posts, it can be different for everyone, but in my case, it all just went.

Losing my brows and lashes was very difficult - but I got permanent makeup tattoos before all the brow hairs were gone so that my natural brow line could be drawn fairly accurately. I tried putting on eyeliner after I got the brows done and had lost my eyelashes, but it just kept coming off during the day. I got tattooed eyeliner and a retouch on the brows 2 months after I first had the brows done. It made an immediate positive difference! I could wake up with my eyes not bare, and swim, and not have to mess with eyeliner. The way my "permanent makeup artist" did the liner, it really simulates the look of lashes....not with little strokes, but just with the shape of the line. I had people tell me that they couldn't tell I didn't have any lashes until they got very close. It was good enough for me. You can kind of see how my liner looks in this photo, particularly if you can zoom in on my eyes:


Hang in there.
I don't know what the odds are, but when I was 15 years old I lost all of my body hair. Five years later all of my hair came back.. Eyebrows and all.. I ended up loosing my hair again, it came back for a while than lost it again. I still have my eyebrows etc, but now my hair on my head fell out again.. Like the others said time will just tell. Try not to think about it too much..

Gosh Becca,

This is just crazy. It never ceases to amaze me just how unpredictable alopecia can be.
Here I was at 43 and never heard of it....yet 3 months later AU. Here I am 2 years later at that awkward in-between stage....Lol


It's really unpredictable and really annoying, but I guess were just the lucky ones.. Lol...
I lost my eyelashes around the same time everything else disappeared. My eyebrows fell out when I was 5 and haven't come back since, but no body used to notice my eyebrows were gone unless I said something due to the fact I wear glasses.

Got my eyebrows tattooed a few years ago(mom's idea) its pretty good...just that you have to have them touched up every so often because they fade.
Hi Kim, my hair began to fall out in December by January I was AT, by March I was AU. I felt kind of silly because it took me a bit to realize that I had not shaved my under arms & legs since visiting my sister over the holidays, then like you noticed my pubic hair was getting scarce as well. March was such a hard month, I tolerated the free & painless Brazilian Wax, but the loss of my eyebrows & lashes devastated me. It happened so quickly, Mary put it very well when she said," it all just went", because thats exactly what mine did it just went away.
I had my eyebrows tattooed, I wish I could have gotten them done when I still had some hairs left, my gal did a wonderful job, I admit I am a coward when it comes to having permanent eye liner done, perhaps in time but for now I use waterproof eyeliner.
Just make sure you really check out the permanent makeup artist you choose should you to go this route.
Good luck & hang in there.
Kimberly, I lost my eyelashes in the last week, so I understand your fear. Well I have about 20 of them left. Anyway, my eyelahes were great, so I'm pretty ticked about the whole thing.

Anyway, after a few attempt the ardell eyelashes look normal. My husband couldnt tell. They are annoying, in the way a wig can be annoying- sometimes you forget about them, other times you want to rip them off. But I just wanted to let you know, your eyelash loss can be disguised just like scalp hair loss. Its not fun to have another body part to glue, clip, strap on but its disguisable.



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