Hello All

I wanted to share some of my experiences online because when I first started losing my hair I valued posts like this so much! 

I started losing my hair only 1.5 years ago - within 6 months I had lost all the hair on my body. It was fast and devastating. I did all the treatments possible - injections, pills, AIP diet, meditation, herbs, homoeopathic pills, hormone tests...etc. Nothing worked! 
This August I started two important treatments, that have resulted in hair growth all over my body!!! My eyelashes are complete and almost my eyebrows too. I have armpit hair and my scalp is covered in brown and grey hairs too! 
One treatment is Zeljanz and the other is the discovery of a highly leaky gut (probably the reason why this all started). 
I am taking 1-2 Zeljanz pills a day, and I believe this is the reason why I am starting to get quick growth. I have not experienced any side effects on the treatment. I have seen many posts about these pills and how others have seen good results too! 
The Leaky Gut treatment,  I hope will be the long-term fix once I finish with Zeljanz. For this treatment, I am staying away from my food intolerances (which for me is mainly Dairy and Gluten) as well as taking L-Glutamine Powder, digestive enzymes, probiotics,  Eradicidin Forte pills, and Thorne Formula SF722 pills. I am also being treated for adrenal fatigue - as I am burnt out (another autoimmune trigger!).
For anyone who has lost all their hair and been told there is little to be done - do not give up. I would recommend people to see a Functional Doctor who will look at your body as a whole system, instead of trying to treat just your head. My Functional Doctor is the reason why I discovered my deeper problems.
In my experience, my alopecia was my body screaming at me that there was something else wrong with me. It was a side affect, not just a disease.  

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Only really neg since the first of the year.  Something might of happened in their life to affect their mood & attitude.  

You also have to remember you are just reading words.  You're not hearing inflection.

Because people are spreading harmful and false information?

"Real MD"?  Practitioners of western medicine often don't know as much as they think they do.  A really good, competent physician does not completely close his/her mind to holistic/alternative medicine.  

Xeijanz is not available here in the UK yet, as there are some dangerous health risks from long term use - they are still trialling it.

Hi, these words will help many people. For example, I also suffered because my hair began to fall out. However, I did not have a running process like yours, so I decided to try to contact the hair transplant clinic nyc with this request. Still, I was told there was no sense in this because the hair could fall out again, and my transplant procedure would make the hair useless. But I still insisted on my own and did this surgery. And when I started taking some medications, my hair still remained on my head...

Well done! My 13 year old son lost his hair as a small child and now he is starting to talk about wanting to really look into it, to find a solution. The regular medical system basically has no idea how the whole body works on the inside, we are also going to look into funktional medicin. Nice to hear a story like this, I'm sure there must be other success stories out there without the use of chemical creams, etc but a more "whole" approach, although I wouldn't approve any pills, etc, at this point., but I like the idea of functional medicine. I know see the post is from 2017 :))

True, Mia. Even the  dermatologists, at least in my area, are shockingly ignorant when it comes to alopecia areata, totalis, and universalis.

Does anyone know how much this medication cost ? 



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