Hi everyone,

I have read a discussion somewhere on Alopecia World about couples (both) with alopecia sometime ago but I couldnt find where the discussion is now.

Anyway, out of curiosity...is there any couple like this on Alopecia World or anyone know of couple with both are alopecians? (I'm talking about alopecia areata @ totalis @ universalis in particular).

I dont know any personally but I might have overhear from somewhere or someone...


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I have never officially dated a man who has alopecia (there aren't any who live close enough), but I would not rule it out. If he and I share common interests and values, plus our personalities mesh well with each other, then I would absolutely be interested. Whether he has alopecia or not is not a factor (although yes, a fellow alopecian would have a much better understanding of my struggles, but that's really the only difference). I have been to two NAAF conferences so far, and met many guys with alopecia areata, totalis and universalis that I found to be VERY attractive. :-)
I actually only know one other person (like in real life haha) that has Alopecia, he is a guy but not a close friend or anyone like that, so no. I guess where I live is just small.. it is odd to be the only one here with it that I know of..
Dating another alopecian is certainly something I would consider and I have met a few men with alopecia who are very attractive. There needs to be more than just alopecia in common though for any relationship to work and I'm slowly learning that alopecian men are in fact just like regular men with added understanding (towards alopecia anyhow). If it's meant to be, you'll know so don't just date someone for their lack of hair. I'd love to see a bald couple or two around though!
Its been nearly a week since I posted this discussion. Thank you for those who has participated, our curiosity still goes on though. I personally believe that there will be some couple (both with alopecia areata) in this world and I would be shocked if there is none. I dont believe (as I agree with all of you) that one should be attracted to another person entirely on just one physical or even material attribute (i.e. with or without hair; tall or short; rich or poor), because then the sincerity/ genuinity of the attraction would be questionable and doubtful.

However I think of if alopecia areata can be just as a "platform" to start with, just like any other social "platforms" like someone met another person on a party, someone's wedding...etc. I believe 99% of the couples in the world have met in some sort of "platforms" (i.e introduced by someone, both have same hobbies, worked in the same building, live in the same street, studied in the same college, both prefer dogs than cats...etc). So I am not saying that if there is a person fall in love with another person just because he/she has alopecia areata, then it would sound just like someone fell in love with another person because he/she loves dogs more than cats.

I agree that it would be great to know a couple or two (both with alopecia areata)...
I once dated a lady with alopecia. We were set up by someone who knew both of us. Though we both had alopecia, we still had different likes & dislikes, hobbies, goals, etc. It wasn't that we didn't get along; we just didn't click. There so much more to it than both experiencing hair loss.
I wouldn't really wanna go out with a guy that had alopecia because then i would feel like i could only get a bald boy and that i can't get any "normal" guy also that i would go from being the "bald girl" to the"BALD COUPLE" BUT IF I FOUND A GUY THAT LOOKED LIKE VIN DIESEL THEN SWEET AS HAHA.
I just found this blog. Hm. You must be young, Hilary.

Granted, I had alopecia areata when I met Long Haired Teen, and had hair grown in when I met Long Haired Man (who became husband). However, hair grew IN over the 10 years I knew Boy...he left. Hair fell OUT to AU then AT with the Man during the 16 years I knew him...he left. If longhairs can't deal with my having HAD AA, AU or AT...or the potential that I might have hair loss in the future...then I am willing to leave all of them behind. It is what is inside and who has a consistent heart that counts. I have found haired guys to be totally stuck on themselves and sure to run off with other women. True, there will be differences in any coupling, but I want a chance to feel safe in my own home and not have to skirt around the subject of hair loss.



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