So its been a while since I have been on here and I thought I'd give everyone a little update on my life, things are going good, I've been breezing through school and almost ready for graduation (yayy). My hair is growing back slowly I have two big patches the front of my head on either side of what used to be my part, which is where this disease started I feel tiny hairs coming back but this is such an odd angle that i can really use a mirror to see if its actual hair or particles from other hair surrounding it ( I don't know if I articulated that right it seems weird but I can't seem to explain what I mean lol) My hair has gotten so much better that I am comfortable going out just wearing a front topper or those fake fringes and leaving the back of my hair in my own ponytail. Im not wearing a wig full time and I can't explain how amazing it feels to be able to leave with my natural hair. Though my natural hair is far from perfect and is frizzy and thin I love the fact that its MINE. Back in January of 2013 I had the courage to show my boyfriend of a year and a half how bad my alopecia actually was and he told me that he didn't love me for my hair he loved me for me and that my hair didnt matter to him and that it was just hair. Well last night I showed him the progress of my hair and he thinks that it is going to grow back in completely, I hope that he is right but I am not depending on it. Well anyway what made me want to write this post is what he said afterwards, he told me that he wished he had met me when he had long hair because he had 18 inch hair and had cut it off prior to meeting me, he said that he wished that he would have donated it to someone after finding out my story, so he has now decided that he is going to grow his hair out to either 1) use in a wig for me if I still need it by then or 2) donate it to someone with alopecia who needs a wig and cannot afford it. This is the biggest gift he could ever give me as he has no idea what it means tome, I lost most of my hair when I was 18 and as most of you know being an 18 year old girl who has hair loss can be some what of a traumatic experience and the fact that he is going to go through the pain of growing his beautiful hair out to make a wig for me or someone else with my condition. He has the heart of an angel and I see it in his eyes the pain he goes through when I have some self confidence issues. I truly am blessed to have him by my side and I hope that everyone can find someone as supporting as him. Godbless all of you, you are all in my prayers and I hope you guys can get some hope from reading my story, that the hair can come back though it not be as thick as before hair is hair and I'll take anything I can get.

With love

Meekoo <3

Happy Holidays everyone

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Congratulations on your's always a lovely thing to happen and you sound very realistic around it all.

Well, I think you have a keeper there with your lovely boyfriend.  There are very few hair donations that actually go to those that have alopecia but if you would like his hair to go to help someone with this condition please contact me and I'll put you onto the people that can help. There are a few organisations that can help.




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