I am 22 years old and I just found out that I have alopecia areata. I found my first patch in early October and it stayed the same up until about a week ago. It grew an inch in diameter and I also found a second spot about the size of a quarter. Luckily I have long, thick hair so I can hide my spots. But I don't know for how long. I am really down about the whole thing and couldn't really use some hope. Are there any of you with success stories or advice? Please and thank you

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Check out Hair Loss Treatment Clinics, there has been some amazing results found on their instagram - hair loss Clinics or their website www.hairlosstreatmentclinics.co.uk.
Your alopecia seems still at an early stage it is always best to catch the Hair Loss sooner

Hi Kailyn,

Thanks for reaching out.

I was 20 when I first discovered I had Alopecia and I remember looking around frantically for answers just like you. I want to give you great news- I had alopecia and I have recovered from it, not once, not twice but THREE TIMES! THERE IS HOPE OUT THERE! I am now 25 and I am completely cured! (I also had Alopecia Ophasis or whatever so it is one of the harder ones to treat)

Some of the things that really helped me were acupuncture, fish oil, probiotics and I started taking supplements to heal leaky gut syndrome. If you look online and on Youtube there are a lot of testimonials saying that Alopecia is caused by digestive issues.

I am more than happy to talk to you and tell you about the million treatments I have used, what works and what doesn't and I am here to give you a helping hand and friend to call!

Please feel free to email me or call me whenever.


Phone- 281-685-6157

Any of you ladies struggling with this can call me too!

Take care and stay strong- THERE IS HOPE OUT THERE!

Cheap Propecia without a prescription - http://оnlinecheappills.com/catalog/Hair_Loss/Propecia.htm I had heard of Proecia pills for hair loss but had never tried them until I saw that I was losing too much hair. I spent several months following the treatment and quickly saw the results I wanted: strong hair and less hair loss. I highly recommend Propecia.

Alopecia certainly can come and go, and I expect this board is mostly visited by people who are either in the midst of an episode or who have been dealing with alopecia that progressed or lingered. So those whose hair simply grew back probably aren't here to comment.
I'm here because of extensive hair loss, but for most of my life alopecia was pretty much a non issue. A bald spot as a child went away. Through my 20's and 30's I had occasional small bald spots that never caused a problem, something a hairdresser might note, but nothing I went to a doctor about. I expect that is how it would have remained for me if I hadn't become severely stressed and depleted in my 40's
I know it's hard, but don't assume the worst.

Most people get a spot or two and then it grows back without any medication or treatment.  Only 2% of people with "spots" get totalis or universalis.  Chances are that you'll be fine.  Try not to obsess about it if you can.  Cures or treatments are not very successful but the chances of you just growing it back naturally are good.

Thank you. I'm just trying not to stress about it but I can't help it
That is very sweet of you to say!

I am much older than you are. Before I got married is the first time I lost my hair. It was from right above my ears all the way around. My dermatologist gave me steroid injections and it came back. I never had anymore problems until about 3 years ago. I lost ALL my hair. I mean lashes brows everything. I figured I'd have to live with it. Well, my lashes came back, then my eyebrows and everything but my shiny bald head. About 4 months ago I could feel some coming back on my head. Now it's all over. I am getting injections again but steroids are hard on your body. It would probably come back without the injections. I still wear my wig because it's not thick enough to go without. I'm happy but there's no guarantee it won't come out again. Hang in there. There's always hope! Once you learn to accept it, it's not as stressful. Good luck!

Hi - I share a similar start to my alopecia. I was in my mid -40's and I had quarter size patches throughout my head, and like you, my hair was thick so it was hidden. I went to my dermatologist and he gave me shots to stimulate my hair follicles and those patches filled in.

Flash forward about 5-6 years, when at age 51, I lost my whole head of hair in less then two months. Eyebrows, eyelashes, all over my body. GONE. I was devastated. After seeing every type of doctor and specialist with no hopeful answers, I started to accept that this could be it. Changed my perspective, hardly ever wore a wig, but had lots of cool lids I had fun wearing. Took the vitamin, Biotin. Went on living my life as best I could.

After a one full year of baldness, my eyebrows and eyelashes started growing. Then fuzz on my head appeared and started getting longer. I am happy to now report lots of hair on my head! May be a different color then what it used to be, but I don't care. 

Good luck in your journey. Stay hopeful, positive and maybe look into taking the vitamin, Biotin. This alopecia is a one crazy thing, tests your spirit, that's for sure. Stay strong, surround yourself with positive supportive family and friends, and live your life.




How wonderful that you included pictures.  Looking at them made me feel better.  I had an awful night last night.  I stopped counting the falling hairs after 300.  First I have FFA where I've lost about an inch and a half at my hairline.  But now I have been shedding hair all over.  I use Rogaine 3x daily and take everything imaginable to encourage hair growth. I see a specialist and am now on doxycycline and this testosterone blocker.  Thanks for sharing those great pix and for letting me vent.

Absolutely! It's best to remain hopeful and positive.Hang in there, and try to accept it, however hard that might be. The sooner you accept it, the sooner the body will recover (hopefully!!)

I wish you the best of luck. Thanks for your reply.

Woow that is so awesome that it worked out like that. Great Photos great share



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