My 4 year old son has AU and my mother recently told me that she did some research and read that apple cider is good for hair growth.  It kills bacteria living on the scalp and balances ph levels...has anybody with alopecia used apple cider and if so did it work?  I appreciate your feedback!!


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Hi Kim- a beautician and barber recommended Bragg's apple cider...I went online and ordered.  I have heard of good results...My son has AU as well and I feel it' worth a shot. Take Care!

I tried it when I first started to get follicular inflamations with my frontal fibrosing alopecia. It didn't do anything to reduce the inflammations or make any difference at all. I think apple cider vinegar gets a lot of coverage on the Internet, but I don't think there is any solid evidence base for it in the treatment of alopecia.

I guess doesn't hurt to try, have more heard for taking for heart burn etc. Does he have problem with bad bacteria on his scalp? When i first started having hair loss doctor thought ring worm and put me on bunch harsh meds, plus topical treatments. None worked and after few months had to stop because the meds were bad for my liver and skin graph showed no ring worm. Best!



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