Hi I'm Gladys and I have concern does anyone here has ever try apple  cider vinegar ? 

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When I have used braggs apple cider vinegar, I have had positive results. Just started going back to using it again. I have gotten hair growth in the past. Have suffered off and on with alopecia--worst during high stress times. And since, my life has had a lot of high stress times, I have lost my hair in spots many times. Growing hair back is so much diligent work that I stopped--because I would just lose it again. However, again, the Braggs (organic) apple cider vinegar is good for you on the scalp, body, etc.

Hi there,
How are you using it? Are you drinking it? Dosage? Or rubbing it on your scalp? How often?
Apple cider vinegar is good for us on allsorts of levels

Actually, the bragg's Apple Cider has a small book usually sold in health food stores with instructions for the many things you can use it for. For hair--one of the instructions is putting it on the scalp for 15 minutes before washing hair and then also rinsing hair after washing your hair. I remembere also my mother rinsing my hair with apple cider vinegar and my hair was the healthiest. I have some growth starting again and I am going back to the routine--things I remember working. Also, this may sound wierd but it worked as well. My dad was a barber and he told me once when I was going through an episode to wash my scalp (or the spot) daily with a paste made with tide (or any wash detergent) and water. He said that it helped removed the then film that blocks the hair follicles. Actually, it worked and I grew back a full head of hair. I am older now, and hair consistency is thinner, but it is growing again, so I have decided to become proactive again.

Interesting? I don't see how it could hurt? unless caused scalp irritation. I'm willing to try anything that causes no harm, why not. Thanks for putting this out there.

Oh my Gosh!! my husband is sold on Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (they know him well at the health food store here) - it's great for your digestive system - never heard of it for your hair, interesting!



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