Hey everyone :)

I have been battling AA since 2009, and have had almost complete regrowth during pregnancy (Awesome- right?)  But now that baby is almost 3 months- AA is back, and am seeing lots of new spots.  Does anyone know of any SAFE treatments that can be used during breastfeeding?  

Thanks in advance :)

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From experience and I'm not sure if this is actually safe for you but I just wanted to share my experience.
I have had alopecia since 2010 and nothing worked miracles with me more than this treatment. I also used it after giving birth and during breastfeeding .Here is what I did:

I use this twice a week : "Chronic thinning hair treatment

But since the product only recommends using it for at least a year I switch to another product which is also based on natural ingredients, I use this lotion daily :

SORCIÈRE HAIR TREATENT (hair growing lotion)

I've been doing this for 2 years and didn't actually see any serious side effects and my baby is healthy.

Hope this helps;)
Hello! Just wondering about those treatments you use? Where do you get them? And do they work??

Thanks so much :)
Yeas I got these products from the pharmacy. I think they are available online just google them

Thanks for your reply- i will check on line and try phyto line- as is it a little cheaper than Thymuskin recommended by D Costa.  Hopefully will get some positive results!

I had the exact same experience! Complete re growth during pregnancy and all gone a few months later. So I did some research :) Hair re growth and non shedding during pregnancy is all because of hormones . I haven't done so yet but I've been wanting to see a hormone doctor ( endocrinologist ?) to see if they could help out all

Hey Jena- i know that the loss is hormonal, but since I already suffered from AA, my loss is patchy and not only restricted to my head :( I have seen an endocrinologist before but didn't help me.  I am looking into local Homeopaths as well...hopefully she can find the root of the problem!

Keep me posted if your doctor advises a treatment that works!

I suffered from AA before pregnancy as well. My son is now 3, and while my AA used to be patchy it's almost completely gone now. I was hoping an endocrinologist could somehow trick my body into thinking it's pregnant! lol wishful thinking. I'm going to give some of the products mentioned here a try too
I had a similar situation with complete regrowth from areata during my first pregnancy and spots resuming after giving birth. I figured my second pregnancy would follow the same pattern but unfortunately I continued to experience hair loss during my entire second pregnancy. Once I gave birth, I wanted to try something to stop further loss but I worried about safe treatment because, like you, I was breastfeeding. I researched and eventually ordered Thymuskin shampoo and gel. I used it for two years and it stopped the progression of further hair loss...I was heading toward totalis before I began treatment. Anyway, my son is now three years old and he's healthy and happy. I never experienced any side effects with Thymuskin during the time I was breastfeeding him and the ingredients are all natural. I would definitely recommend it.

Thanks D :)  Obviously baby's health is way more important than mine- and i will do everything necessary to keep her healthy and happy!  Thymuskin seems to be pretty pricey so i will try the other one first but will keep this one in mind should the other fail to help.  new babies are expensive! lol

Hi everyone, I have Universal AA since 2009, but now I am using "Elocon Scalp Lotion" and my eyelashes are growing, also my hair is growing back (very thin hair) also, I think that AA has something to do with Progesterone a hormone that increase its levels during Pregnancy. Maybe a Physician can answer.

Best Regards.

Hi, have you considered Nisim shampoo?  I was told that the Nisim biofactors product line is safe for pregnant and nursing women, though I was advised to double check with my doctor. 


Thank you for sharing your experience! Do you have any updates on your condition? I am pregnanat and have AA too :(



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