Hello, I am wondering how many women have found love after losing their hair - this may not be the best group to be posing this question but I'm not too sure which group would be the best place to post this.

I am basically at the point that I am ready to give up on the hope of ever finding love and joining a convent, but if I were to do so, I don't know that I would be doing so for the right reasons.

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Great question! From experience, and trust me, I've "experienced' quite a bit in my youth (but thats another story), MOST guys "say" they dont mind (long enough to get in your pants) but they dont stick around. I might sound bitter (and maybe i am a little), but i'm 44 and have had Alopecia since i was 7, so most of my life. I've dated ALOT and even posted on a dating site once upon a time. I had over 5,000 hits and not one single, actual, true response. Yes, I had alot of freakazoids reply because of their fetishes, but no "real" people. Dont get me wrong...I had some good boyfriends over the years and even got married to a wonderful man, but in the end his eye still always roamed towards the blondes with long hair. Alopecia has stopped me from experiencing TRUE connections most of the time. Lets face it, its hard to make love to someone freely and openly when you're trying to hide the fact that you're wearing a wig.
Anyway, thats my take on it. When you're young, you can still rely on the beauty of youth to carry you through, but now, at my age....not so much, for a bald woman!
i appreciate your statements. I am 33 and was single till two weeks ago when I met this awesome guy. He really truly doesn't care, and the alopecia is no prob. I got darn lucky tho to find a man like that
I think having hair makes a huge difference in how men view women. When I had my real hair, I had no problem getting dates, being flirted with, etc. When I go out with a wig these days, again no issues - men flock like birds. But when I go out with just a scarf on or whatever, and you can tell there's no hair under there...then suddenly no one looks at me. Or if I do get looks, it's just curiosity or pity, not attraction. I think it's a hard fact that we have to deal with. I don't say "accept" because I'm far from the acceptance stage so I would never suggest anyone else do something I'm not able or willing to do. But it is a tough thing to deal with for sure. :(
Some men like myself prefer bald women. To me it enhances their feminine beauty.
I am married to a beautiful bald alopecian lady, and I love her bald, the look and feel of it.
She looks great in wigs and headscarves, but she is gorgeous wearing her bald look.
And she enjoys enhancing her bald look with her makeup, earrings, and sexy dresses.
Do not join a convent, but know that your chances for meeting someone are greatly diminished because of alopecia......society refers to a woman's hair as her "crowing glory"....and so does The Bible. A lot of people interpret that very strictly, much to the detriment of we women with alopecia.
To Solange, I am feeling the same way - I was just newly rejected this week (by a bald guy!!!!) who could not get past the alopecia. I would say that statistically speaking, I have met about 3 men out of 50 who have embraced the baldness, and that includes fetishists. For me, I can only take so many rejections, then I shut down and don't date or even flirt at all for a while. Then when I feel like my armor can take a few more hits, I go back out. It's a very tiring process.
I agree, Chelsea. And at my age, my patience is wearing thinner and thinner. Old, fat, bald men think they are so much "better" than women in their age range under normal circumstances...but when you thrown in alopecia....it's a wrap....
To amend my comment, I have met a guy and have been dating him since March. I originally messaged him on a networking site because he stated he liked bald women. He does occasionally make a comment about me wearing a wig but it is just to suggest a different look, I have always worn bandanas but he has helped me to expand to scarfs and hats. :P
Fantastic, and I am so glad to hear that you have a happy story. :-)
I have no problem with a woman being bald; bald with a healthy dose of confidence turns curiosity into attraction.from my time on this site, i realize it is not easy for a woman to face the world with no hair...but she should be able to be her REAL self in front of her man. Wear it proudly and a "serious" suitor will flock to you...
So true. i know first hand. I am with a great guy who understands. Maybe more so because he has health problems himself that I don't hold against him. IDK I really think he is just into ME as the person i really am
I found one after 17 years with AU. He doesn't mind a bit, says it makes me unique and he has that much more skin to caress. I have had others who preferred me to wear wigs out to restaurants, movie theaters, etc. and I was never comfortable with that--it felt like they were ashamed of me :(



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