I would be interested to hear people's experiences about going bald at work. I have a hybrid job which is about 50% IT with mostly guys and 50% customer service with mostly women. I'm working on an IT project right now where we work 12 hour days. As part of one of my regular updates on the project I explained about my alopecia and said that toward the end of the day I really needed to take my wig off (especially since we need to wear hardhats part of the day in certain areas .. that will really make you want to scratch your head)! So .. that's been pretty easy. When I feel like it I take my wig off but it's usually in the evening & just around "the team". It's harder to imagine doing this in the normal office environment of my customer service group. Somehow the "after 5pm" part makes it seem less like work. What has your experience been like?


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Hi Cynthia, There are never guarantees, but a lot of times we underestimate the people around us. I remember thinking the same thing when I was wearing wigs. But by the time I progressed to no longer wearing one, I found that I was mistaken.
I'm 21 and have only had 3 jobs. 2 of them were engineering internships and the other coaching gymnastics. For each job I wore a bandana like I do everyday. Of the two jobs that I interviewed for in person, only one person said anything and that was because she knew what alopecia was. As for the third, they didn't know what I looked like until my first day on the job, but it was a while before I was asked what was going on. Not one person seemed to mind that I didn't have hair and treated me like everyone else. There were a few people that asked, but in my experience it's more curiosity than anything else. Other than working with kids (who were very accepting), I've never had to deal with a lot of people other than the one's I was working with.



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