I'd be interested to know the pattern of your hair loss. I haven't heard many accounts that resemble mine. I noticed a small patch last november which over the course of 6 months has grown into a very large bald patch probably covering about 30% of my head and I think is still receding. I don't have any other patches and the remaining hair is of normal thickness. I am prepared for and anticipate it all going eventually but wondered whether anyone else has had this pattern?

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Hi, Chris M! My pattern started as a large spot at the lower back of head above my neck on one side, it eventually morphed into what is known as the ophiasis pattern of AA. I have had some spots in the upper crown area also, in the begining my upper hair always remained of normal thickness, but at times with spots has had it's thin moments also, the hair in the upper spots has always grown back normal colored but the lower portion had at times grown back normal, now is only growing back the white hairs that won't color or become of same thickness as normal hair. I'm concerned that they will never become normal at this point. You do not discribe where your loss is? Hope this helps.
PS I've also lost my eyebrows, and most of my leg and arm hair too. still covering with upper hair, but don't know for how long.
Chris S.



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