Hi All,

Though I suspect this topic may draw some negative comments, I've read too many posts on this site where people are worried about showing their hair loss or baldness, and felt this post was necessary

Men: the hat cover up, the comb over, the paste down, the hair transplant - you're not fooling anyone but yourselves; people see that you're loosing your hair. Why not accept it, and be proud of it. Michael Jordan did, and look what happened - having a shaved head all of sudden became not only acceptable, but cool.

Women: the wig, short hair, extensions - why not become a Michella Jordan, and be the example for women with thinning or spotty hair loss? When women start seeing that it's OK to be bald and be proud of it, those suffering with the stigma of any type of hair loss will positively embrace it just as the men have done. Yes there may be stares, jeers and even some jokes; that's societies reaction to anything new or different. However, those that prevail will in time be looked upon as the pioneers of the next trend in woman's appearance.

For both sexes - conceal/cover-up and you've given away your power to society. Be Bald and Be Proud and you demonstrate a power and confidence very few people on this planet possess.

I mean no disrespect to anyone, nor do I claim to have the slightest inkling of the emotional pain some of you may be going through. I can however relate to you that I started loosing my hair at 17, did the Hair Club for Men (what a rip off), then finally 'Gave in to the Bald Side'. Trust me when I tell you, it is the most freeing and empowering thing I've ever done.

Looking forward to everyone's feedback.


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I so agree!!! :) I lost all of my hair for the final time at age 19 I think lol. Anyways I have been "bold and bald" now for 10 years. An I love it!! It is very freeing. There is no fear of wigs going sideways or finding the right doo rag to match an outfit. Just sorry I didn't do it sooner. :) awesome awesome blog :)
Unlike what their advertisements say for Hair Ripoff for Men - they CAN be seen a mile away, they don't look natural, and swimming - looks like you have a dead ferret on your head. Having to always be worried that someone will notice, especially if you see them studying your hairline up close (happened to me, so I know).

Right before my decision to dump the rug, it had been two years and I realized it was not the panacea I'd thought (and been led) to believe it would be. I was at a co-worker's party, he was drunk and rubbed my head - the adhesive strip holding the front down came undone and my 'hair' started moving all over the place under his hand. He said nothing, but I learned a few weeks later after I'd ditched the hair piece, that everyone at work not only knew about that 'incident' but that they had known I was wearing a piece since I started working there.

As we both agree - the freedom that comes with 'just being you' is incredible : )
The last time I wore a wig...I was walking in Walmart parking lot and a big gust of wind as I was bending over to get dog food off the bottom of the cart..and off went my wig..so here I am a ball lady...chasing my wig all ire the parking lot. That's when I decided they weren't for me. That was more embarrassing than going bald :) 
Sorry Stacey, but he image I conjured of you chasing your 'long haired guinea pig' around the Wal Mart parking lot made me bust out laughing!!!
Hahahaha don't apologize. :) it makes me laugh thinking about it now. At the time however it was very traumatizing. :) my friend that was with me was trying hard not to laugh..but I could tell she wanted to. She wouldn't help me chase the "long haired guinea pig" she sat in the car. I have to believe she laughed while I was not in her presence. I mean heck...if it wasn't me....I'd probally laugh at my friend too. Lol. 
Interesting...........well i get where your going and i love the energy but I am just not ready for that yet. i am the first to tell someone i'm losing my hair , in fact i'll bring it up even when its not even in the conversation sometimes (drives my mom insane lol). We have plenty of beautiful women who already rock it and i believe there will be more as they come closer to acceptance and realizing that they look hot without their hair but until people have reached that point if they ever do they must do what makes them feel good. So.....do i think it would be awesome to have more women with thinning hair or bald heads to take off their coverings and just invade the magazines,tv and streets to make this shallowminded society see that women are still beautiful without their hair?..YES and we are slowly getting noticed and now having beautiful miss delaware and etc out there is really stepping it up but as we know... Rome was not built in a day. :o) (didnt really bring up men because lets face it the world has kinda excepted the fact and even though their are some insensitive people who make jokes and remarks. i see many articles praising bald men as intelligent and sexy etc, yeah still waiting for the girls turn) :o) hope all is well
You're absolutely right, Tiffany...Rome wasn't built in a day. It's going to be a slow process, and everyone should feel comfortable with whatever they do.

But, in just the two years since I lost my hair and started going out bald, I've seen more and more women on this site trying it, and more public figures (Kayla Martell, Sheila Bridges, our own Crowned Regal....) out there, too. It's all about taking baby steps and breaking down those stereotypes.

I'm hoping that we'll have more and more locations each year for International Alopecia Day, in the US and around the world. It's just a matter of time.....

Hi Tiffany, I understand and appreciate your concerns. If I can be of any assistance in helping you to the 'Bald Side' (it nice here - we have cookies), give me a shout and I'll do what I can.
Great post, Evan! When more men started going out bald, it became more acceptable, even sexy. Look at all the actors and models and sports figures. If more women do it, I think the same thing will happen. I don't even think about the fact that I'm bald when I'm in public these days.

International Alopecia Day is THIS Saturday, July17. Join the group here on AW, and wherever you are, go OUT and celebrate.

I'll be at the Massachusetts event and looking forward to meeting all those who attend.
Great! Please take photos to send me later so I can include Massachusetts in the YouTube.
I've thought about this a lot and I think I agree with you in part; when we try to hide something of ourselves out of shame or fear we do awesome damage to ourselves and I think we can dishonour the society we live in, BUT, I think its a lot easier to be philosophical about these things as a man, when varying degrees of baldness are pretty much the 'norm' (perhaps not quite to our extent ;) ) in most societies.

So I'm not 'anti wig' but the wig is a tool and like all tools should be used correctly.

If you use it to hide yourself away; to conform to others expectations; as a totem against distress; as a technique to avoid emotional upset; then it (A) isnt going to work and (B) will reinforce the things you are trying to avoid every time you put it on.

If you are going to 'wig-up' then wear it with boldness, panache and style.

Wear it like its a new pair of stilleto's, fancy knickers or glamouress party dress. Accessorize with it like its a $1000 dollar handbag, french parfum or diamond necklace.

Let it enhance your inner beauty.

You aint trying to hide anything, you're showing out.

Work it sister......

(Is that a bit too Gok Wan for a heterosexual man? I think Im in danger of confusing myself ;P )



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