Hi All,

Though I suspect this topic may draw some negative comments, I've read too many posts on this site where people are worried about showing their hair loss or baldness, and felt this post was necessary

Men: the hat cover up, the comb over, the paste down, the hair transplant - you're not fooling anyone but yourselves; people see that you're loosing your hair. Why not accept it, and be proud of it. Michael Jordan did, and look what happened - having a shaved head all of sudden became not only acceptable, but cool.

Women: the wig, short hair, extensions - why not become a Michella Jordan, and be the example for women with thinning or spotty hair loss? When women start seeing that it's OK to be bald and be proud of it, those suffering with the stigma of any type of hair loss will positively embrace it just as the men have done. Yes there may be stares, jeers and even some jokes; that's societies reaction to anything new or different. However, those that prevail will in time be looked upon as the pioneers of the next trend in woman's appearance.

For both sexes - conceal/cover-up and you've given away your power to society. Be Bald and Be Proud and you demonstrate a power and confidence very few people on this planet possess.

I mean no disrespect to anyone, nor do I claim to have the slightest inkling of the emotional pain some of you may be going through. I can however relate to you that I started loosing my hair at 17, did the Hair Club for Men (what a rip off), then finally 'Gave in to the Bald Side'. Trust me when I tell you, it is the most freeing and empowering thing I've ever done.

Looking forward to everyone's feedback.


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Personally, my body runs cold and I was always freezing with nothing on my head.
Guess I just have a hot head!
You know i just recently got my first wig and its hot as hades in florida and so i am wondering if i'm going to melt when i finally wear it outside. i guess i will soon find out.
This is the moment I realized I might not be able to wear a wig:

I'm sitting in a crowded unairconditioned theater, during a heat wave, waiting for a musical show to start. Audience members are fanning themselves. I'm in my short wig (the one shown in my "Alternatives to Wearing a Wig" video), 3 months after shaving off the last of my hair, with relatives. I haven't yet been bald in public.

After about 15 minutes of this (show hadn't started), with sweat pouring down my face and feeling like I would explode from the unreleased heat in my body, I tore the wig off my head, threw it on the floor, shouted "F#@&!", and started sobbing. I felt so ashamed of my bald head, but I just couldn't stand to have my head covered a second longer.

After the same kind of experiences over the next few months (including once at a wedding, once at a graduation), I realized that I needed to just accept my new bald look and move on in coolness and comfort.

Today, over two years later, I don't even think about being bald unless someone compliments me on my head shape (or asks if I have cancer). I really don't care anymore...this is just who I am and life has gone on. Fake it 'til you make it worked for me...I held my head up and acted like I felt beautiful, and now I do.

Give it a try on Saturday if you haven't...International Alopecia Day. There's always a first day for everything.
Gosh I wish I could get to the point of going bald. I cannot imagine how freeing it must be. I have so much shame about my baldness. I wish I didn't and I don't know how to get rid of it. My mother made me very self-conscious and ashamed of my condition when I was a teenager; I had to wear a wig...otherwise how would I get a boyfriend? I know it's really messed up but that's just the way she was. I wear only Freedom vacuum wigs and they are gorgeous. People always compliment my hair, never having the first inkling that it is a wig. How does one go from that to bald? I don't even know how to begin...
Maureen, I can't put myself in your place of having worn a wig for many years - I just lost my hair in early 2008. BUT, I effectively went from the same point as you of having a full head of beautiful hair, to being bald pretty suddenly. I know exactly how you're feeling.

You ask how one goes from having gorgeous hair to the bald look - I did it with baby steps. For a number of months I just went out slowly to new places bald...the library, the store, the gym. I kept track of each "first". Each time it was easier. Now, I go everywhere bald and don't even think about it. It's who I am. I am a woman who doesn't have any hair, and I choose not to be warm and have to mess with a wig. It IS incredibly liberating, cool and free. The only time I cover my head is when I need sun protection, or am chilly (just like the only time I would put on a sweater or coat is when I need to).

Last night I did very fast swing dancing in front of an outdoor crowd at a Big Band concert in an ampitheater here in San Diego. There were about 2,000 people in the audience, and a bunch of people dancing in the front. I was the only bald woman there. I danced for over an hour, and my scalp was sweaty - I kept wiping it with a handkerchief between dances. I can't IMAGINE doing it in a wig or scarf - both because of how warm I got, and how fast I was spinning around and dipping! (A friend took pics and I may post some.)

Yes, people assumed I have cancer. A number of people complimented me and my husband on our dancing, and only two people asked me about my health. But, I've gotten used to that. It doesn't bother me - it just makes me feel lucky that ALL I have is AA.

As I've said before - I believe that the only way to make bald a genuine (and easier) choice for women is for more women to do it so that it becomes less of an oddity. Last night, 2,000 people got used to seeing a healthy, attractive bald woman behaving as if there was nothing unusual about her head (because for me, there isn't!) Consciousness raising is a powerful thing.

End of rant...I hope it helps.
we need a 'like' button on here; *LIKE*
Agree "LIKE"

I agree with the like button! ^ Very inspirational!

Update - here's the video of the event I'm describing in this post:

Evan, that's fine for a guy. And that's fine for a woman who doesn't seem to care. But most women care - they like to look in the mirror and see something beautiful looking back at them. I don't understand why so many women on this site feel it their responsibility to shave their heads and head out the door. Most women want to hold on to their beauty for as long as they can, and they can with a good wig. It's undetectable when you bring some of your own hair forward on the sides so your hairline in front of your ears is natural. I wear bangs. Bangs are always in style. No one knows. And I don't understand why some women get a nice wig and then announce to people that they're wearing wig. What's the point?
Evan I agree with you wholeheartedly. It is because of people like you and Mary that so many of us can feel safe and good in our own skin and I shall be forever grateful for this.

Dear Lee,

Personally I feel women and men who choose to go bald are beautiful. I am and will be beautiful with or without hair because hair does not make me or anyone else truly beautiful and hair does not make a person who they are !! A wig does not make one beautiful !!




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