From Totally Bald to Hair Regrowth in One Month! (UPDATE: Six Month Regrowth Pictures)

I first noticed my hair falling out in the spring of 2009.Being a black woman who had been wearing braids off and on for many years, I thought braiding my hair too tight was the problem. I took out the braids but my hair continued falling out. I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata a year later & given 5 weeks of Prednisone. Needless to say, that didn't help at all. As I continued losing hair I researched the different types of alopecia on the internet. When I started losing my eyebrows & eyelashes I knew I had Alopecia Universalis. I tried to decrease the stress in my life & kept praying that one day my hair would spontaneously grow back on its own. While on vacation last year I met a man with the same autoimmune disease who told me about Xeljanz. Finally! A cure!!! But the drug costs over $3000 a month and my insurance would not cover it. My cousin was familiar with the fact that there are discounts available for many expensive medications. I called Pfizer and found out they have a hardship program (Xelsource)for low income patients which allows you to receive Xeljanz ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! They will mail you two forms for you and your doctor to fill out and once it it is verified that your income is low enough and your insurance denies coverage they will Fed Ex Xeljanz directly to your home for FREE! They send you a 30 day supply (two small pills a day) each month. What has really inspired me are the photos of another AU sufferer whose hair started growing back after a month on Xeljanz. She has been on it 6 months now and recently had her first haircut in 4 years. She is sporting a cute, short hairdo. Check her out at the alopeciaexperience instagram. I just started Xeljanz 3 weeks ago on July 28th and hope to be posting pictures of my hair regrowth soon to share with all of you! UPDATE: Saw light blonde, spiky hairs on September 1st after one month on drug! Went to doctor this week and now have dark terminal hairs, mixed with blonde, on my scalp and eyebrow and eyelash regrowth. UPDATE: 3 months, hair getting darker and longer, eyebrows growing in on both sides, a few eyelashes on my left upper lid. See pictures below. UPDATE: 4 months, started taking Biotin and upped doseage to 3 Xeljanz a day. Tons of new growth in resistant bald patches and scalp hair is longer and darker. Eyelashes emerging from both sides. I bought my first mascara in 6 years. Waiting for a few more lashes on right side to use it. Have lots of eyebrows on both sides. Go see my doctors this week on Thursday. They will be TOTALLY shocked and amazed at my progress since last appointment in September. Keep the faith everyone. Xeljanz works!!! UPDATE: Third Doctors' Visit: My doctor's are at the Dermatoligy Clinic at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Boy were my they EXCITED about all my hair growth during the last 3 months! The last time they saw me I had tiny white spiky peach fuzz, with a few dark terminal hairs mixed in. This time I have long dark patches of hair almost an inch long, with regrowth of about 80 percent of my scalp! In between the dark patches, I have short spiky blonde regrowth in my former bald spots. That regrowth is barely visible on camera right now but the doctors saw it and ran their fingers over my entire scalp. Two sets of doctors, nurses and residents came into the room at separate times because everyone could not fit into the examining room at once. Plus I brought a friend with AU and his parents with me to meet the doctor's. Everyone was laughing, happy and amazed at my growth. Each set of doctors took pictures of my complete scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. The doctors want the pictures for a future Grand Rounds or Dermatology Conference so they can present my case to other doctors and medical students at the University. I'm so happy that my regrowth on Xeljanz will be used to give hope to others! More details below about my friend with AU who came with me to see the Clinic and meet the doctors.

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Thanks Xeljanzmiracle, I have tried and have been turned down for help. That was six months ago though. I will try again, maybe they are now offering additional help....I have the three month free card, but what happens after three months??? I almost feel it is better to remain bald then go through the pain of losing it again when I run out of free meds....I wish you all the best in your journey.

Thank you. I understand your pain and fear of further disappointment.

Wow, this is so amazing. I wish you all the best in the treatment and a full and happy recovery. I am rooting for you and all others on this treatment. I wish I could be on it, however I live in Scotland where the drug is not approved. 

Thank you Steve. Xeljanz is not over there even for rheumatoid arthritis yet?
Oh I don't have AU I have AA but I think it's now AT as I've lost almost my entire scalp hair :(
Most of us with AU started out with AA then went to AT before we lost the rest of our body hair. So you are in the same category as us. It's all autoimmune related. So Xeljanz will probably help you as well!

Did you have a prescription from a doctor to receive Xeljanz?We can't even get a doctor to prescribe Xeljanz because it is not approved for  Alopecia..only RA... Help!

Where do u live Michelle? Are u by a University hospital? Those young doctors and residents are more progressive. Get the forms from Xelsource and take them to a dermatologist and tell him about Pfizer's program. Show the article on Xeljanz that is on internet. I showed the doctors right from my phone. Put in these words on internet to pull up article: Yale Medical School Hair Regrowth. Fortunately my doctors at University of California San Francisco were already aware of Yale case. I wish your son the best. Get your forms from Xelsource first and take it from there. Valeri

We live in North Carolina..My derm. Told me to take my son to a rhuemotologist because both conditions are immune diseases. I noticed the doctors background info stated he graduated from Yale University. Hopefully he is compassionate, and pro active about alopecia being treated with Xeljanz..thanks for replying back with me. I hope you have success with the meds.

When I call to get this medication should I say for alopecia? Bc it's not meant for that although it does help with it
Xelsource knows about Xeljanz being used for Alopecia Universalis (loss of all body hair). Just ask for the forms to enroll in their program. One form is for the Healthcare Provider (doctor) to fill out. The other one you (the patient) fill out. You return your form with proof of income. They tell you on the form what types of proof are acceptable. Pfizer WANTS Xeljanz to be authorized for Alopecia Universalis. That is one reason they are giving Xeljanz for free. It will be a new source of immense income for them.
I just called the number you listed for this medicine and after taking information and telling them it's for my alopecia she said no no no this medication is only for RA and can not be given for anything else so I'm confused now



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