Does anyone know about bonded hair? I was wondering could tell me a little about it the pros and cons.

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The security of a bonded piece must be a plus. I have heard of the glue eventually causing the head some discomfort . Since it is all lace you have to be sure it does not stretch. Since it is all lace there is the chance of it needed hair replacement, however this is the case with many human hair wigs. Just as those with their hair it tends to shed so is it the same for wigs. If you find a place in your area that does this you might want to check the reviews of other customers. 

Thank you, I would really like to talk to someone who has a bonded piece to see what it is like I have no idea.

I have a bonded piece and love it! Next best thing to having my own growing hair. I can sleep, shower, get intimate, do yoga, drive with the sunroof open all without worry! I order from Hair Direct and get a new full lace system every 3 months. I get it serviced every 2 weeks at a local salon. It is an expensive, high-maintenance and time-consuming endeavor but I wouldn't have it any other way all things considered.

Did it bother you at first to sleep in it? Does the glue irritate your scalp? Also can you tell me why you have to get it serviced so often, I was thinking it would be about every 6 weeks.

No, full lace is very comfortable to sleep in, and the glue doesn't irritate my scalp. I don't like the bond to loosen or slide back and I like to keep my head clean and fresh but most people go 3-4 weeks.

Thank you for the information it gave me some insight. It's a big step for me. I have a clip on and I am really getting tired of it and my hair is getting thinner especially where I clip it in. Thanks again.



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