Did anyone see it? What did you think? There is also a similar scene with Natalie Portman in a new art film that just came out called "I love New York". I loved both scenes.

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Please describe...I didn't see it. Are they showing her going out bald, or wearing a wig or scarf?
She has cancer and hasn't yet shown her husband her bald head without her wig. She talks to her mother about how the wig has become like another person between them, especially when they're being romantic. Her mother encourages her to unburden herself by showing him her bald head. In the next scene we see her sitting on her bed without her wig. Then she hears her husband come in and is about to reach for her wig but stops herself. He walks in and starts talking to her and going about his business and doesn't even comment on her baldness. Then when she reminds him that he's looking at her bald for the first time, he just tells her that she's beautiful and he doesn't even notice whether she has hair or not.
Thank you. Well, that certainly sounds like a positive portrayal. I just wish some popular show would feature a woman who is bald due to AA!
Yes, that would be nice!
Has anybody else - who goes out in public bald - had an increase in "cancer" questions or comments this past week or so? I've had 2 people specifically mention Brothers & Sisters when they approach me.



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