Hi all who are on xeljanz ! First off I want to just say I hope everyone is having safe success with their hair growth!

I have spoke to my Derm and I want to collect data from everybody to present to my Derm to see if I can speed up my growth and to see if my Derm can also present this to his board and perhaps get help on obtaining xeljanz. This will also help people starting xeljanz and this data will
Help people who are not seeing much growth.

If you's can kindly answer in this order it will be appreciated so much,

1) How long have you been taking xeljanz?

2) Have you been taking anything before , alongside or still taking with xeljanz ? I.e another immune suppressor or vitamins ?

3) What percentage is your hair growth? If you have any with xeljanz?

4) What month did you have success on xeljanz since starting it ?

5) Could you upload any before and after PICS of your regrowth ??

6) whilst on xeljanz have you experienced any shedding ?

7)have you lost any hair whilst on xeljanz ?

Two new questions if you could all please answer. Thank you so much for taking some time out to answer these questions as it would help me and others on and starting xeljanz!!

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Tomorrow will make 1 week for me
Thanks mate keep us posted ! Hope to see growth :)

Been on Xeljanz for 9 months

Took Methotrexate prior to Xeljanz, taking Plaquenil with Xeljanz 

Have 95 percent regrowth

Started to see terminal hair month 7 at 3 pills a day.

Thanks Starshine appreciate it ! And congrats on the growth my friend :)
1. 13 weeks on 2 tablets a day, 1 week on 3 tablets a day

2. Started taking Biotin a month ago. HUGE difference! Hair darker and longer.

3. I have hair on about 70 percent of my scalp. Can't see all of it on pictures cause new hair is light blonde, but I can feel it. Eyebrows, 40 percent, eyelashes about 5 percent. Left side more dominant, about 5 lashes on upper lid. Only.one blonde lash on right side. But they are coming! Already bought a mascara, lol.

4. One Month, 3 days

5. Pictures below: First, one week BEFORE regrowth (how I looked for 6 years); Second, my first visible growth! and Third, my scalp hair TODAY after 14 weeks.
Thank you so much ! This gives us all hope ! So happy for you :)

Congratulations on the regrowth of your hair.  Looks like pics are from four years ago.  How are you doing these days? 


I have been on xeljanz for 4 months

I took methotrexate for 8 months prior to xeljanz

I have 100% regrowth on my head, brows and beard. the rest of my body slowly filling in.

I will upload a pic when able. I was total AU for three years prior.

Thanks AU1989 much appreciated ! So happy for you mate ! :)
Picture of your beard would be veryyy nice for me as a man with au
Attached pics
Wow!! That's amazing man you must be so happy !! Are you going to try go on a maintainance dosage? Thanks for the upload!



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