Ok this is my story, but first let me explain that I'm not looking for a cure, yes I have alopecia but its not something that affects me by ne means I grew up with it and it has become a norm.

My name is khalil, I'm 22 years old and I have had alopecia sense I was nine years old it started with a patch and in a days time became universal and for years I didn't have a single hair on my body no eye brows eye lashes facial hair leg or arm hair not even nose hair. Well when I was 15 I grew one eye brow ans at 19 grew the other thru my years of having alopecia my condition would change every few years which started when I was sixteen. Id get hair patches on my head a lil facial hair and then it'd fall out again and a few years later it happens again. And I'm currently goin thru one of those stages . I've read in so many places that alopecia is something that resolves itself in no more than a few years time so why have I been bald for the last 13 years? When I was younger I had cortozone shots in my scalp which I did for a year with minimual success.and sense I never bothered lookin for another solution id occasionally do my research bout the issue but jus to stay updated

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firstly i have never referred to alopecia as a disease and i hate it when people do in my opinion its a disorder its a genetic or hormonal imbalance of some sort diseases are viral and bacterial. secondly yes if i had the oppurtunity to have hair grow yes i would but i like being bald its made me the person i am today it helped build my self esteem my confidence and considering how cruel kids can be its also helped me build my very hand wit and charm im just curious as to why id go from universal to totalis to aerotis and bounce back and forth
Hi Khalil,

I'm very sorry that yet another person has to go through this somewhat painful journey about the unpredictability of alopecia areata. To sum it up, the only predictable thing with alopecia areata is unpredictable, sad but true.

Sometimes, alopecia areata can behave as in the cycle of hair growth which can be divided into several phase. I'm not going into the details of it unless you asked about it.

Some people just recovered totally from alopecia areata without any treatment but some people just live on with alopecia areata for decades.

While we should live our lives to the fullest with or without hair, however we should neither give up hope that one day our hair just might grow back.

Yup, having alopecia can have severe impacts in one self's esteem and confidence.

I have written something about alopecia areata, and where did it went wrong in our body... (the blog series started a few months ago) feel free to read them, it should help you to understand alopecia areta better.
Hi Khalil. I have had alopecia for about 20 years. I have gone years without any hair and some with a little fro growing out of nowhere. I wish this could be more predictable, but unfortunately it is not. I'm glad that you don't feel affected by alopecia. I thought I wasn't, but realized that it was a lie.



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