Hi, my name is Sonia and Iv just been diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. Back in July I found a small round patch in the back of my head. Went to my doc and he said its from stress. But in a matter of a month the patch grew much bigger and my hair is now so fine. I went to a dermatologist and he said its gonna get worse. So he gave me Regaine 5% to apply twice a day. I did that but it did not help and the patch got bigger and bigger. I know lost about 40% of my hair. So I went back to derm and he gave me a steroid pill called Solupred which I have to take once a day for a month and then I go see him again.
Im depressed, dont know if Im gonna go bald or if my hair will grow back. I cry every single day, sometimes even most of the day. Im beginning to think about quitting my job, which is in the fitness industry.
Please can anybody help me cos I cant accept this and dont know how to cope. I just want my hir back

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thank you rosy. I appreaciate your comments. Its just that I work in a fitness industry. I teach about 8 aerobic classes a week, including spinning....... Do I always have to wear a cap for work????? If I wear a wig, will it get dirty like normal hair, do I wash it everyday???????? I dont have anyone to ask these questions so you are the only people for me right now.
Also right now, since my hair is falling, can i still wash my hair everyday after class? Everytime I wash my hair, and see loads of it coming out in the tub, i freak out. Is it ok to wash your hair everyday at this point? I was told u have to keep it really healthy and clean. Im confused . so please answer back
Wash your hair as you normally used to.. Healthy hair you are able to tug on it and nothing will come out, so whatever hair comes out in the shower was going to come out anyway. Use a wide tooth comb on your hair and don't pull on it when you comb it. I can't run my fingers through my hair without some coming out in my hands. I'm always picking up hair. I wash with an unscented glycerin soap and started to wash my hair with it too. I put away all my old hair products. Now, all of a sudden, I don't want to put chemicals in my hair, not even to color it and I used to do all this all my life with no problem, so I guess I am a little paranoid for now. I would probably blame myself if I used the hair stuff and my AA got worse even though it has nothing to do with it.

When you buy a wig, they will tell you how to take care of it. I have 3 of them and I only wear them when I am out with other people. At home I don't wear it. I bought the synthetic ones for about 50 dollars each. No one has noticed that it wasn't real hair and I get so many compliments when I wear them. I wouldn't use any hairspray or other hair stuff on them. Maybe then you wouldn't have to wash them as much. I think you would know when it needs it. As cheap as they are for me, when they start to look strange, I'll just replace it. I remember back in the 60s wigs and hair pieces were in and all us young girls would wear them just for fun and to look cool. We would get them in different colors and styles. Who knows, any time now, they could come back in style.....about everything else has.

So go wash away! What do they say: Let your hair down or let it all hang out. LOL
thanks you for your comment. do u think i should buy a sythetic or real hair????? I mean apart from the price, what is the real difference. As I workout, will it stay always put and clean, or does it get sweaty and dirty like normal hair??????
You're a fighter...as soon as you accept that this is happening the sooner you can fight it...I've dealt with alopecia areata most of my life, since elementary school. It can have a devastating effect on your emotional well being, but only if you let it. In 2007 I went totally bald for the first time ever, due to poor nutrition and an extremely stressful relationship. It's time for you to start loving yourself. Stop worrying about others loving you. They will if they're meant to. The love you have or attract comes from the inside not the outside. That's why paralyzed people can live emotionally fulfilling lives. The love they have or attract doesn't come from their appearance. It comes from the spirit in them...so let your light shine...

Be thankful for everything you do have...a job...limbs that work...eyes to see...lungs to breath...a mouth to eat and speak...the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your attitude. Hope this helps to strengthen you...find the fight in you...I know it's there.
FYI I grew about 80% of my hair back and my head was slicker than a glass table top...How? working out in the gym breaking a sweat, followed by a long hot tub soak to break another sweat keeping my pores open, then applying Dr. Miracles feel it formula, which can be purchased at Walmart. Dont give up...you have a greater chance than me because you haven't had it as long. Fight now while you still can. STay focused
wow u guys r great.... thanks for all the comments and the encouragment. it helps a lot having found this site. Im much better today and hopefully will be even better when i buy that wig and start getting my confidence again
thanks Elizabeth. Your words are very encouraging
Wonderful advice Stacey. It couldn't have be said better.
Stacey - that is soo true - great helpful and inspiring.


If you feel a hairpiece is something that may help do your investigations well. Take your time and think about your personal needs.

I look after people in New Zealand who wear Freedom hairpieces and I'm happy to help with any information you may need to know about this type of hairpiece, but don't stop with me, investigate everything and work out what may work for you. I'll put you on my friends list so you can have a wee looksee at my page and my daughter wearing her choice of hair.

This is going to be ok, you will find your way whether you choose to wear a hairpiece, no hair, hat, scarf... you are going to be fine. :)

Hi Sonia, my heart goes out to you. Luckily you have found AW, trust me...the people on this site are awesome. Please don't let this disease take over your life. Remember fighters ALWAYS win. Give yourself some time and things will get better!
Sonia, I got steroid shots in the beginning, but they didn't do much, and I think I was even having some mild side effects from those (e.g. high intraocular eye pressure and irregular menstral periods). I never even considered taking a steroid pill, the weight gain and depression listed as side effects turned me off, and my doctor never even suggested it to tell you the truth. What I did was get a nice bonded on hair system that I wear all the time and have serviced once a month, and then I get on with my life. Hang in there, and do your research. I always say a patient needs to be their own best advocate. Don't be afraid to get a second — or a third — opinion.
Domenique what did u mean by a nice bonded on hair system?????? Thats a wig right????



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