I have been looking at alot of topics and was wondering exactly how many ideas and or rumors about whatever there is out there.


I work as an auto mechanic for the last 7 years. naturaly Im used to getting full of oil, grease, engine coolant, gas, even desiel gas, lead, sulfuric acid(car battery). um buring of rubber, also burning of teflon parts on cars does happen. burns the crap out of your nose when it does. alot of chemical changing states from solids to gases. also. I think I am the only person in our shop or any mechanic to take home the OSHA book on chemical hazards to read it. haha they let me have it for almost a month. I could not get a copy of it though :( I do want one)


 Also I know its not good but I do have about 15 lbs of mercury. (only because I think its such a cool metal and its like a trophy to me) I have in the past experimented with it. I didnt steal it but it was given to me from someone who collected it for years and years from TVs and things I guess. I have been and am around aluminum dust and all kinds of odd things. as a kid I would go through trash and things people threw out. mostly through the wealthy neighborhoods with my wagon lol.


Alot of these things I have no idea and I search but cant find any good testing methods on how someone came up that that theory.


Rumored..... heavy metals? i found no list of this anywhere with quick searching. will do more of course. but links would be awesome.


Booze... I read it somewhere... Im kind of puzzled by it. but okay ( dont drink much, maybe once a week and usualy vodkas with juice) i dont like the after affect of being drunk or taste of it.


Pot, i read somewhere can kick start alopecia? It is something that yes I do use from time to time. It didnt help much at all for lower stress crap. My hair continued to fall out. In fact tired to have a set time every other day to see if it would help.for about a month.NOPE not at all it seemed to get worse or continued onat the same rate of loss. So thats why im asking(otherwise usage is around once a week and not much at that.) Im going cut it off to experiment if it could be a problem either way.


Around cigerette smokers, but I dont smoke. never looked into those chemicals hmmm(just thought of it now)


welding gases?(again I just thought of it)


UV light and or rays..... welders put out some strong UV rays. maybe thats why my arms have had it for so long??(i just thought of it)


All these things i have been googling the last few days, and Im hoping to get any info someone may have or even more ideas. I have time to do these things. All I do is work and pay bills right now. sometimes go out for 2-3 hours once or twice a week and thats it. Right now most of what I know is from what I heard form other peoples mouths. I never really looked into it myself too much. If some are totaly false let me know and some kind of publishing stating why its false. I enjoy reading these things for myself.






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Alopecia start when immune system is out of order. It can be from many things...In your case probably heavy metal poisoning. I don't believe that pot, booze or cigarette smoke can be the reason for alopecia.
You need to clean up your body from heavy metal...

You can try MMS, I heard it is very good for heavy metal cleanse, or some other herbal products you can find on the web...

And for god sake get rid off mercury ASAP! It is the worst poison ever!

read this :

Check this out, you can do it by yourself at home... for 15 bucks


I dont know if anyone has seen this one, since this is my first post:


It discusses a small test using onion juice. Iv tried the hot water, it may or may not have worked, Im going to try the onion juice on a trial patch on my arm and see.
I totally believe in natural remedy...
My hair is growing and not falling anymore thanks to Ayurveda oils.
I have spoken with the girl who totally cured herself with this oils, and she was at that point where she lose 70% of her hair
I find some clinic in India. They are specialized only for treating alopecia.
I meet with dr. Rohit while he was visiting US last year. He was on NAAF conference I believe...
I spoke with him, and he was very optimistic about my case. I also spoke with Holly (girl from US). She is alopecia free for 2 years now, thanks to Ayurveda oils.

Everything I heard and see assured me that this may be it...answer to my prayers.
So I ordered oils, and I am on Ayurveda oils treatment since August last year.

This thing really works...amazing!
pls keep me posted, I am curious what you will find.

Hi Suzi ,

Just curious to know what are the oils and can you please suggest the doctor name .



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