Hello. I live in Northern Virginia where my 11 year old niece was just diagnosed (Dec 26, 2012) with alopecia. We are still unsure if it is AA, AT, or AU but she is losing her rapidly and I fear it is AU.
She is a trooper and she is handling this much better than I would today and certainly than I would have if it happened to me at 11. She wants to start shopping for a wig. I told her parents I will take the lead on this. But, frankly, it is a little overwhelming. Any advice on how to start shopping for a wig, real hair, synthetic, lace cap, etc etc?
Anyone know of any good wig stores in the Washington DC area for children's wigs?

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Hello Helpful Aunt

My daughter lost her hair at 12 years old so I understand the predicament you are in. There are a lot of choices, with a lot of blurb to go with them.

I think the best thing to do is to talk to her parents and her and work out what everyone is wanting to achieve with a wig.

Write a list of your wants and needs. This is the list I came up with for my daughter... I wanted her hairpiece to be secure and comfortable for her lifestyle (which including swimming and sport), I wanted her hair to be easy care and clean (Hygenic with out too much fuss). I wanted it to look realistic so that her wig did not make life even more difficult. I wanted versatility in styling so she could wear it in a ponytail, messy bun, bunches etc. (this was very important to my daughter.

These were the things that were very important to us and helped my family and me find a wig that made a difference. She has been wearing a Freedom Vacuum wig for the last 10 years and is now 22 years old. She loves her wigs. Feel free to pop into my page and have a wee looksee at her in them. I will friend you as I have my page set to private.

I hope this helps and good luck finding an alternative that works for your niece.


That is the perfect list as it is our list as well. My niece is also a competitive swimmer all year round, as well as basketball. She is very active. I did tell her she may not like the wigs due to heat, sweating, etc. But, we are going to try all we can. I just want her to feel "normal". Thank you so much for your thoughts and the name Freedom Vacuum wig. We will look into it.
I will definitely look at your page and share photos with my niece as we both believe the websites we have been viewing aren't really wigs, but people with nice hair a wig can be fashioned after. So, seeing pictures of your daughter will make her feel better.
Thank you!
...now to learn how to find pages on this site =)

Hairclub and locks of love provide free wigs for children. I would look into that first before investing a large amount of money.



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