I have androgenetic alopecia and although I'm on Rogaine, it is deteriorating rapidly. I don't think Rogaine will work but I have a dermatologist appointment tomorrow and let's see what she says.

Next summer, I'm thinking of purchasing a wig that's identical to my hair before I had alopecia. It's thick black curly hair. I mean THICK curly hair. Now my hair is the diameter of a pencil. I'm thinking of purchasing a human hair wig but someone mentioned that it's hard to find a human hair that is curly hair. So I am thinking of buying full lace wigs but I have no idea what it means and how it differs from human hair wigs.

What is a human hair wig vs. a full lace wig? I live in Toronto and would appreciate it if you could tell me the general range of costs for each of these wigs. Thank you!!

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There are a ton of different types of wigs.  You could pay $100 to $1,000.  Human hair is going to be more expensive (example, at least $500), and it would require more maintenance.  Synthetic wigs are less expensive (around $50 to $300), and require less maintenance.  However, some people feel they aren't as realistic.  Synthetic wigs come with all different types of caps so some are more realistic than others.  I would suggest that you visit some wig stores, and ask to try on all of the different types of wigs.  I love synthetic wigs, but that is my preference.  It really depends on the person & what they want from a wig.


I'll do my best to answer your questions...

Human hair is used in many types of wigs.  There are two types of human hair used in wigs.  Processed human Hair and unprocessed human hair.  The two types of human hair have very different features and benefits.  If you would like me to explain the differences let me know and I will.  If you search through some of my posts you will be able to get an understanding of the differences.  

Human hair is used in some lace wigs,  I would think in most cases the hair in lace wigs would be processed, but not necessarily with all lace wigs.  So, if you are looking for a lace wig and want to understand the hair used in it.  Ask if it is processed in anyway?  Then ask what that means to you  (how you look after it, longevity, durability etc). Lace wigs that use processed hair should be of a reasonable cost 100's rather than 1,000's.  

Lace wigs that use 100% unprocessed virgin human hair will and should be expensive.  If you are being told that the hair is 100% unprocessed virgin human hair and it is $100's rather than $1,000's be wary.  Sometimes what is being passed can be misleading. 

I understand a lot about 100% unprocessed virgin human hair.  If this is the type of hair you would like it may be difficult to get the hair you are describing.  The company I work with matches people's growing hair as closely as possible, but the availability of the hair you describe will be dependent on supplies of the hair you need.  

Lace wigs in my experience can be of a very reasonable price.  Look through the posts here as there is quite a bit of information on them.  

Hope this helps and good luck finding something that works well for you.




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