Has anyone shaved their head in order to wear a Freedom Wig?

I have thinning hair on the top to the point that I need a wig very soon. I'm 38 yrs old with 3 young kids and we do a lot of activities. My biggest fear is of it coming off in public. The Freedom Wigs are attractive to me because of all the things you can do with them, without worrying about it falling off or blowing away. However, I am hesitant to go ahead and shave my head because it seems so scary to me right now. Has anyone here gone and done this?

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When in doubt, don't. That's my creedo for everything. So listen to your instincts. There's no right nor wrong about what to do when the time is right for you to shave your head. For just about everyone who talks about it here, we pretty much all say that we just knew when we were ready that we were ready.

Wigs don't blow off and don't fall off if you have the right fit. And with just a couple dabs of wig grade double stick tape any wig's perfectly in place.

The worry that a wig would come off might be reason to invest in a Freedom for security, but it's also possible that the "worries" might be more global and it's not really about a wig dislodging at all.


PS We have a wonderful event called Alopecia Style in Silver Spring, MD this weekend if that's close to you.
I hope that my story might be useful. I've been wearing wigs for about 10 years. However I have experienced repeated patterns of regrowth and total loss. Over the last 10 years, I regrew once 100%, while I was pregnant with my 2nd son. But 2 months after his birth it all came out again. Two or three more times in the past, I would be almost to the place where I could ditch the wig...and then it would all come out again.

Finally, I guess I accepted that I'll will be dealing with alopecia in one form or another for the rest of my life.

Here are the conclusions that I've come to. The nicer synthetic wigs look great. But I find them hot, not natural feeling, and they limit the lifestyle I want to live. Additionally since I have to replace them every 3 months....they aren't cheap. I'm limited because I want to work out, swim, and if needed wear a wig at night. So I moved from off the rack synthetics to Cyberhair (Amy's Presence).

The cyberhair provided some new and exciting advantages! With the cyberhair...I could swim....also when I'm excercising, the hair "wicks" up the excessive amount of sweat that come off my "hot head".
Cyberhair mimics bio hair it that it absorbs water...the first time I washed it the difference was so obvious! So...better than off the rack, yes! But SO expensive....and the verdict is still out as far as I'm concerned about their durability! My first cyberhair wig lasted at least a year, the second one failed after less than 6 months. In defense....the AP folks and my dealer replaced it for FREE! But they suggest these wigs should last about a year. In my case that's about $2000.00 for a years worth of wear. Three times the price of my nice synthethics...but I felt worth the $$$, if they would make it a year.

So I finally bit the bullet, and ordered a vacuum wig from Freedom. My 6" piece, with virgin european hair was about $2800.00. Their prices were much better than other vacuum vendors, and I loved the fact that their sales reps all have alopecia. Meeting Debbie Fuller of Freedom, and sitting across from another bald women, was a turning point in my acceptance of alopecia! OK...the price is high....but they GUARANTEE the product for a year...and with repairs...many folks still have wigs that are 5 years old. That gets you back to closer in line with off the rack synthetics. You do pay for repairs, but it's still cheaper than looks at $2K a year!

Now, three month later I have my Freedom wig. I'm heading to Chicago in December to have it cut and colored. Here is what I can tell you so far. It's the most realistic wig I've ever had on my head! Even before having it cut. What will be interesting to see is how it works out for me in the HOT southern summers. But with the average life span of 5 years....with some repair work...I realized the price was really worth it.

I may end up having to have a "workout/swim wig", but that's OK too! I'm impressed with the reps, the company and the product so far!!!! I'll send an update after my cut and color Dec 3rd!!!
Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Another person on this site went to Chicago to have it styled. I live in Lancaster, PA. Deb Fuller said a lot of people from PA will travel up to NH to have it styled. I'd like to find someone closer to where I live. But after spending all that money, I wouldn't want to take a chance on someone messing it up.

Good luck with the cut & color! :)
Hi Deb, so you have a freedom wig. Like it? I live in CT and am do to get my 1st vaccum wig in 2 weeks or so. I went with Debbie Fuller, I'm going to NH to get it cut & styled. I don't want to take any chances with just any stylist, Debbie recommended this place in NH. Where did you to? I'm so glad I'm getting such good vibes here abou the freedom wig.
Hi Deb,

I agree with Thea - if you are having doubts, then don't do it. When I finally shaved my head, I was really really really ready. You will know when you are ready. I felt like alopecia was taking over my life, and shaving my hair off felt like I was releasing myself from that prison it was putting me in; without a doubt, it was the most liberating thing I have ever done. And yes, I shaved my head in order to get measured for a Freedom wig. I just got my first Freedom wig last week and it is AMAZING! I literally forget that I am wearing a wig because it is so darned comfortable! It is insanely secure, and so so so easy to pop on and off. In my case, it was totally worth the money. Please let me know if you have any questions about the Freedom wigs or about shaving your head or alopecia in general :) Take care.

Natalie- When you were finally ready to shave. Were you completely bald? I still can hide my alopecia but like you said, it is consuming me. Effecting me in every way possible. Just curious to know how much hair you had.
Hi Deb,

Not everyone likes the way a Freedom wig feels. It would be a shame to shave your head and then not like the wig cap on the Freedom Wig.

I have thinning hair but don't "need" a wig. I like to wear one sometimes, though. My little Amore wig stays put in the wind and I don't even pin it. I worry more about people knocking into me on a crowded train or at a party!

good luck whatever you decide!

What Amore do you wear?
I'm in the same boat with you, Deb. My hair is thinning and I'm really going to need a wig sooner rather than later and my plan is to get a Freedom Wig. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because I'm saving up for it, though - not because I have my doubts about shaving my head. I felt the same hesitation and fear that you do about shaving your head not so long ago and so I didn't do it. Now, however, I feel very strongly that I'd feel so much better, happier, and "lighter" if I shaved it off. That's how I know that I'm ready. Believe me, if I had done it when I still had my doubts, it would have made me even more upset than if I hung on until I was ready. Now the thought of shaving it off makes me smile and breathe a sigh of relief instead of make my heart drop the way it used to.
The right time is when you're ready. And when you're ready, you'll know it.

Best of luck!
Shaving your head, as everyone's writen, is up to you when you feel up to it however I saw a little girl wearing a Freedom wig this last summer and was completely amazed and awestruck by it's natural appearance. Wigs have come such a long way in the last 20 years or so. Her mom put some cornrow braids in her hair and I had no idea she even had alopecia or a wig until I saw that she had no eyebrows. It's the closest thing I've seen to real hair and if I was more into the wigs and could afford it, this is the path I would choose.
On another note I know what you mean about worrying a wig may fly off. It's happened to me a few times during an abrupt fall and I've felt the wind lift it. I've never been into taping it down cause it leaves your head feeling gross and sticky. It can and does happen to some people. The worst thing that ever happened when losing a wig was when I was walking into the mall and my long wig at the time got caught on something going in the door and as I walked through my hair was hanging from the door. There are some things we just can't anticipate.
Before I had wigs I clipped claw barretts with ponytails attached , the kind you get at the mall kiosks, to the back of a cap. All good until I stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean one day and a gust of wind swept under the visor. So I chased the hat and hair ensemble down the promenade. Nobody cared, least of all me, but the first time is always the biggest surprise. Or the guy getting empty boxes off a high shelf at the packaging store and dropping it on my head. He was more shocked that my hair moved than me, so I've come to believe it's worse on other people.

Carol.....that was awful I can imagine...but so glad it wasn't getting on the ski lift where you'd been up up and away.

LOL thanks for the laugh Thea - ski lift!!! I could only imagine. One thing I've learned in life is that someone out there is worse off than me. Not that that is a good thing but it makes me feel better knowing that things could be worse. :)



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