Want to get my eyebrows and possibly eyeliner tattooed, want to hear from people that have had it done and can rcommend an artist in Sydney.  I have read aot of websites and seen alot of pics, but want to hear from people that dont have vested interest in the companies.  Cheers!

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So - I bit the bullet! Travelled to Sydney and had my eyebrows tattooed on about 3 weeks ago.  I must say - its money well spent.  The time it saves me in the morning not having to draw them on - AND - not having to worry about wiping them off.  No pain - after the initial needles to numb the area.  AND I am very happy with the results!!! 


My bald and beautiful alopecian wife has had her eyeliner done, but not permanent eyebrows yet. She sometimes doesn't pencil them in and wears the no eyebrows look. I know it saves women some time if they get their eyeliner and eyebrows tattooed. Are yuo alopecia totalis or AU like my wife is?

HI Martina,

Did you end up getting your eyebrows tattooed, where did you go? I'm in SYdney and would like to do it too?





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