I started having alopecia areata when i was 13(my puberty stage). It turned into universalis two years later and now im starting to grow some fine, white hairs all over my body(i'm really excited :)

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Hi Sean,
According to things I've read, yes. Hormones may trigger alopecia, actually I think that's what happened to me.

In my experience (I am not medically trained but have the ability to track thousands of alopecians around the world), there definately seems to be hotspots in a womans life where alopecia seems to become more prevalent, they are puberty (8-15year dependent on the child's size), pregnancy and menopause. In saying this there are also many men and woman that have alopecia and do not get alopecia during these times.

I got my first bald spot when I was 2 years old. When I turned 14 (puberty) I lost almost all of my hair. My hormones have been all over the place ever since. I believe that puberty plays a role in Alopecia.
I agree that puberty/hormonal changes can play a role. Like Chantell, I developed a small patch at age 2, but it grew back and I never had a problem again untill I was 12; this is when it started really falling out. Having said that, I think traumatic events or major events can also be huge instigators in the initiation/progression of alopecia. And stress (even though some people debate this). It seems like alopecia often strikes when a person is going through some major change, like pregnancy, a divorce, a job change, a death, an unrelated health problem, etc. But of course there isn't any one definitive reason, but the conglomeration of many factors seem to play a role.
i do agree that it seems to be a trigger for some people. for me it was, following the birth of my first child i became AU. during the following 3 pregnancies hair grew, fell out after delivery, my nephew 's aa was triggered upon puberty. so for some, i think so.



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