Hi all,

I have a big bald spot on the side of my head and discovered a second bald spot yesterday. I also noticed that I have a little bald spot in my eyebroww. I just checked pictures of myself, because I hadn't noticed it before, and 3 weeks ago my eyebrow was fine. But I am thinking this can't be, I have tons of hair left on my head, is it even possible for it affect my eyebrows? But then again, what else could it be. I do have alopcia so if I have a bald spot in my eyebrow, that is most likely it. I am so dissapointed and sad. And I am finding it a bit hard to believe because I thought that eyebrows are affected once all your hair on your head is gone? But I guess I assumed the wrong thing?


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Keep your head up Netherlandsgirl i know its hard but you will make it. Thats why this site is so wonderfull. we can relate with each other. im going through the sad and dissappointed phase as well. but thats when you have to make yourself do something positive or atleast be around something positive. wishing yu nothing but the best and hang in there :)

Hi Nethelands girl! sending you a lot of strength and an oooompf of positivity. This is not an easy condition and sometimes things can get really tough but you can still enjoy your life to the full. Be good to yourself and hang in there.

Ps. Not sure if there is an order in which things happen, i.e. head first, eyebrows next...

I've been there, my pattern of hairloss is called Ophiasis, and is mostly at the bottom half of my head, I do get spots in the upper crown areas too. I've thought each time I've had a period of lossing it, I would come so close to shaving it and being done with it, like you I can cover mine pretty well, but I am not happy with it when I've lost so much. People tell me you can not tell, but I can, I'm fearful of the wind and at times feel really self-concious. My hair is cut in a medium length bob style tapering down to the ends, it is much thicker than my photo now and cut better. I've become very good at styling my hair use back combing and lost of hairspray to keep it in place. I get alot of compliments on my hair, but inside I'm sick. Hang in there if you can, I have bought a wig at one point many years ago, but never wore it, if like me you are able to get through the difficult times and your hair grows back at least some inbetween, you may be able to get by. But in the end the decision is yours, I'm struggling right now myself, and wondering if the white hairs that have replaced all my lower hair would ever change back to regular hair. If not I will have no choice as this hair is not able to be colored and doesn't cover the area, so it's not cosmetically acceptable. Good luck to you, I know how painful it is, and confusing, I wish I had some answers for both of us ((HUG))

oh not a lot of fun at all....

I admire your strength netherlandsgirl, that you want to make this decision yourself and not be forced to do it. Did you do the same Mike?

Good for you Jane! You are so strong. Sorry about the eyebrow spot, what a disappointment. I am so impressed that you shaved it. I bet you rock that look!! Hope you are enjoying not seeing hair everywhere (such a plus!) and that your four year old is back to thinking you look like a girl. :)


Hi Netherlandsgirl
Wow, I am so incredibly impressed and inspired by your strength. I'm currently at a training camp with lots of people I don't know and I don't quite know how to talk about it to them (and they obviously see big bold patches on my head when we change by the swimming pool). Should I somehow announce it, tell them in groups? It feels like a big burden not to say anything. 
Inspired by you, I'm going to cut whatever is left of it right now!!
All the best

Hi Jane
I did cut it off! Shared a few tears when it was happening but actually I feel SOOO much better now. It's like "it is what it is", no hiding. What ended up doing at the training camp, was to tell people in smaller groups, as part of general 'how is your day going' conversation. Towards the end of the camp (which finished yesterday), I felt at ease with how I looked. It feels like it's given me strength, an edge...

Definitely get the wig on your insurance! You can get a lovely one for that money. I really like mine. Will post a picture as soon as I upload it on my laptop.

You mentioned other problems... Indeed, there are other problems in life, much bigger than hair loss... If you ever feel like sharing, I'll be happy to listen.


Hi, Netherlandsgirl, I had replied earlier, but for some reason was not able to scroll all the way down and see that you did decide to shave. Good for you, sounds like you did the right thing!! I will remember this for when and if my time comes too, It would surely end the constant stress of it falling out, and spots and areas getting bigger, without being able to stop it. Thank you for being an encouragement to me. When the dermatologis said it was good it had not started at your neck and that was a good sign, made me a bit nervous as mine did start at the lower back above the neck....can you tell me what that means? I'm happy for you and that things are working out for you. Enjoy your new freedom :)



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