Hello, I'm new here and have just started to read everyone's experiences.... I've had big parts of my beard missing for almost a year now and have tried creams etc..... A few days ago someone recommended crushed garlic, at this point I will try anything, so I did, it stings and turns numb so it feels like it's doing something, I've only been at it for two days so obviously there is no results, has anyone tried this before and am I wasting my time? Thank you

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I have heard of this treatment. My personal view is that I doubt very much that it will be effective. At this time there is no known cure for alopecia.

There is no harm trying this but I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope.


I'm only trying because it worked for someone I know, it may also have been a fluke or he may have had a fungus, will keep you posted

I am trying it also and I am also on day two! My is for alopecia areata on my head however. Honestly though I think our body goes in cycles and I think mine is just in the cycle that is actings up..but we will see what happens. keep us posted!

How long have you had alopecia

I am 24 now. I have had it since 4th grade. It used to be very bad when I was younger then I almost had all my growth for the last 4-5 years until about 4 months ago when it started shedding. I wear a top piece from Wig pro that I get styled and cut to blend with the hair I have. I also started taking B vitamins and bioten.


I'm hoping the garlic works, my doctor gave me cortisone cream and I'm a little hesitant to use it, he warned me it will thin out my skin, B vitamins help?
Hi I've never posted but wanted to let u know my story. I'm 37 now and have had alopecia aerata since I was 11.... At that time all my hair fell out after trying all the usual 'traditional' treatments my parents heard about the garlic method...every night dad would rub the crushed garlic in my scalp.... After about 3 months I had growth and eventually my hair grew back and I stopped wearing my wig...my 'theory' is that the burning sensation stimulates the hair follicle. Once my fine hair started growing I would shave it ever couple of days and hair grew stronger.... It was great for many years only losing small annoying patches over many years....but 4 years ago after 2 babies and 2 lost pregnancies I lost 80% of my hair again....to be honest being married now I was reluctant to use the garlic - because it stinks but I have been using 'Alepicin' Caffine lotion....for about 4 months and I have about 75% growth.... Not enough to throw out the wig but am not holding my breath.... This lotion stings especially after shaving my head....so i Believe anything that causes an irritation is going to do the same thing as the garlic.... I would definitely give it a go! It's natural and won't stuff your body up.....and it keeps vampires away! Lol :)

Just to put a slightly different spin on things. My daughter has lost and regrown her hair 5 times in the last 10 years without using any lotion, treatment or medication. It is not unusual for remission to be part of having alopecia. Be careful not to spend money on something that is not proven, or tested, when remission is so very common.


Thanks for sharing, I will look into the lotion, the garlic is a little inconvenient
The lotion is from Germany but I was able to purchase in chemists in Australia.....it is worth a shot...and yes definitely more convenient than crushing garlic every night... Good luck! Sometimes you got to keep trying and if you keep an open mind about it, you won't be disappointed if it doesn't work but if it does then....it's a bonus! So frustrating but I have learnt to not let it get me down (most of the time!)....

There was a study done at the University of Baghdad that found onion juice promoted hair regrowth in patchy alopecia sufferers. Here's a link to the research on pubmed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12126069

My hair responded well to the cortisone shots, so I didn't have a chance to try this out. If future patches appear, I'll be crushing some onions to see what kind of results I get before I try anything else. The study appears to be really promising.

hey steve! i have not tried crushed garlic however i have tried a shampoo called "queen helens deorderized garlic shampoo" that we sell in the beauty next to my salon and its only like 4$ i like it i feel like it did help my hair fall out less and promote growth ive had like 85% regrowth using it rotaing with other scalp stimulating shampoos so hey it doesnt hurt to try ! good luck!



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