Hi all:

I have gone to a dermatologist (physician's assistant) and I am actually feeling some sort of hope.

She gave me ideas of what I could use and I feel pretty good with what she said.

While I've had alopecia for more than 20 years, I could still put my hair up and not much of my baldness was shown. Or maybe I was just fooling myself.

My hair had been about down to the middle of my waist 6 months. I have now,m through 3 stylist trips gone to a very small pixi,m which really just looks like big patches in my head of missing hair.  I wanted to take away all stress from my hair and I do think the shorter haircut is better.

So here's the link and, if you could add anything or tell me I'm just fooling myself, I'd love to know.


Thank you for reading.


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Fooling yourself.  Dream on.  They seem to think they are telling people something new and revolutionary?  C'mon.  Everyone and anyone knows about these things.  Biotin does nothing.  Rogaine may help some people who are willing to put that stuff on twice a day forever. And bear the costs involved.   Nioxin does nothing but take your $$$.  It actually tells you it will NOT grow hair, it will just let you have the perception of thicker hair.  Well, doesn't do that one either.  And what else, a vitiamin?  And the herbal stuff that I would so be leary of taking.  No, fooling yourself.  Sorry.

I guess, what I meant to say was that for so many years, I had this all-over diffusion, then I took a prescription that caused the little bit of hair that I had fall out in clumps.


So, more than what was prescribed was the news that the medication that caused this major fallout could possibly be resolved in 9 months.


Lexi, if I can just keep the little bit that I have, I would be happy. I could still stick in some extensions and look half-way decent.


Its just wishful thinking; that's all.

I understand we all want to be hopeful.  However, I truly do not believe those things work, and haven't we all tried most of them?  If they worked, we all would be ecstatic.  And Rogaine, that is a life long twice daily commitment if it did work.  I too only pray I can at least hold on to the straggly strands I still have left. 

I have had bald patches (some small like silver dollar size others larger) for 4 months. When I first noticed them, I started taking a vitamin for hair, nails and skin that was high in biotin. I also take coconut oil pills. When I went to the dermatologist they told me to continue taking them both and start women's rogaine. When I went make a month later I had some hair regrowth but not as much as I wanted. We talked about steroid shots but before we do that, we are trying a steroid cream (clobetasol propionate). Since starting the steroid cream my hair seems to be growing quicker.
I did have an IUD that I had removed a little over a month ago that I believe was the cause of my Alopecia. I hope this helps, I wish you the best of luck!

Thank you for the reply, Jennifer

I don't think that I have the stomach for the shots.

But, this is the first time that I've heard of coconut oil pills.

Can you tell me what kind of steroid cream you're using?



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