How is dating for everyone else with alopecia? I've seen more women married on here then men. Any Thoughts?

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From my experience I have only ever had one gf and I think women and men prefer people with hair so I had personally not even attempted to date. I asked one girl out who had alopecia and she was lovely but she said no because she feels she would want to get away from thinking about alopecia as if she was with someone with alopecia it would make more depressed which i had to respect her decisions. Just my experience on the dating scene.
Wow well that sucks. So she didn't want someone that understood what it's like to have alopecia? That's interesting? But, sounds like a doing things backwards:)just joking. I asked because I actually dated all girls with no alopecia because I never met a girl with alopecia or met anyone with it for that matter. I usually did well with women BUT now with the internet character and charm gets u no where because ur being Jugded on appearances 'first'.lol I've recently lost my eyebrows which has done a number on my ego, which is why I was curious. And I recently found this site. Thanks for sharing brother.
Yeh it's basically what she told me. Am not I too believe more men are married to women with alopecia rather the opposite way round however there must be a few women who are with me. With hair loss. However mybe a lady on here can explain why they prefer men with hair etc? I had to respect her decision. Hopefully a safe treatment and cure will be on the arise for us all soon bro.
It's cool brother. I didn't mean to start anything. It was just a observation. I only been on the site acouple weeks:) that is Wat I noticed. Atleast the people I spoke to.
Yeh same am just replying from personal experience lol cool bro

Yeah, I don't get that logic... If a guy has alopecia, that's like 20 hot points.

Ok... This is gonna sound harsh but it it is my 2 cents...
For the general population, someone having alopecia universalist looks very very sick. First thing people thinking can be cancer.
Women wears wigs and can still be sexy somehow! I know a girl with a wig and she is attractive. But let's face it, a guy with no eyebrows, lashes, forget it, Just look unhealthy. I have AU myself and am married. U can still find a woman who fall in love with you... But dating will have mediocre results in 99% of case. Sorry to hurt u brother.
I think that's well said actually. I have alopecia areata. And my eye brows are just now falling. Some ppl can't put there finger on it. Cancer is a popular one. That why I can't date I need my personality to close the
That is spot on mate ! When you got universalis you look ill! Mybe that's why girls even with alopecia won't see past that and you can't blame them. Let's hope and pray for a cure in the future bro

Also no- those are just the women with alopecia who haven't accepted their condition yet imo

No. I knew a guy with AU before I got alopecia and he didn't look unhealthy. He looked different at first and I wasn't sure why until I realized he had no brows but I was really intrigued. He explained it to me and then I understood. I didn't once think of him as an 'unhealthy' guy

Yeah... U look ill when u have AU. It's crazy when u think about it. I have friends with severe diseases, like Multiple sclerosis, Crohns, etc... And physically they look good. On the other hand we are healthy but look like stage 4 cancer.
It is the nature. Men look for an attractive woman. She can be petite, blonde, whatever. But a woman is more interested in finding someone stable, healthy, etc. Fuck my life



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