My daughter is 13 and was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata at age of 2.  We have tried everything available to help her regrow hair.  Recently we had a product referred to us by a friend called Monat.  It has only been in production for a year and is a totally chemical free, all natural hair product.  She went from having a mostly bald head on top in May to having a full head of healthy thick hair by September!

I am on a mission to make sure that all people with Alopecia are aware of this product so that they can try it for themselves.  I was blown away with the results and if it can help someone, I want them to try!  I signed up to represent the product even though I have had a life-long hate for selling or representing any product!

If you want to know more about it, please message me!

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Am so happy for you!!!!  I have lost ALL my hair head to toe...10 years now...I have TOTAL peace BUT am willing to try something if theres hope!!!!

WELL...a friend of mine with Alopecia used MONAT...AND IT WORKED!!!!!!  

The rep I used lives near us..i trust her...she said they have had great results with it so am trying it!!!!

. I totally see your heart and where is it coming from to help others...i would do the EXACT same thing because my heart wants to help people just like you do!!!!  thanks for sharing!!!! 

I just received my package if it works for KNOW I'll be back sharing this to help others get results too!!!

Blessings - 


Hi Linda. How is the product working? I'm thinking of trying it for my daughter. Thanks.

The page on severe hair loss on the Monat website conflates male pattern baldness with alopecia but androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata have different causes requiring different treatments. 

I knew it.. the moment i saw the title?  It was MONAT.

I think, they now have "capes" on here as well.  Anyone with CAPS and EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!! 

And using the word: MIRACLE!!!! are working for the team.

For those who are working with MONAT using these tactics?  You are SHAMELESS!!!!

Poster should give some free samples and let's see if the product works.

They don't want to do that!! LOLOL!

There's one thing the capes and posters of MONAT don't like? reviews.

The 5 star reviews are obviously people who've been caught up in the snake oil scheme, and raving about it.

Just look at the 3 stars and lower.  The reviews aren't negative.. They're just more honest.

Exactly.  That's because every single one of these Monat disciples is actually SELLING the product -- they tried it, they were soooooo amazed by the "miracle" results that they just decided to become salespeople for Monat to "spread" it to everyone, out of the good of their money-grubbing little hearts.  I think altruism isn't quite altruism when it's monetized. ;)

Anyway, Monat isn't a pyramid scheme, but it's...a scheme.  The main thing about the Monat scheme is that they specifically focus on web-based marketing.  They encourage their salespeople to have blogs and to go on to boards like this to hawk this product at unsuspecting and particularly vulnerable consumer populations, like those who suffer from alopecia.  If you explore their website and reviews of the scheme, you can read all about how their focus on web marketing is what is so distinct about the program.  It's lazy, exploitative marketing.

And the stuff is expensive and there's nothing more "organic" or "natural" about it then pretty much anything else.  The ingredients used have been known for years.  There's nothing "new" about this stuff.

At best, I suspect that Monat may make your hair shinier.  But healthier?  Probably not.  Instigate hair growth or stop the symptoms of alopecia?  Unlikely.

I also am extremely suspicious of the photos used in most of the Pinterest and Instagram posts about Monat.  Lots of them simply show people who got their hair professional styled -- like, the before is someone who let their hair air dry after a shower and the after is the hair straightened or styled by a professional.  Big whoop.  I also suspect that several of these photos don't depict actual Monat users, but rather are culled from professional stylists' websites.  They all look extremely familiar.

If it works so well why hasn't this product gained publicity?

Well, it's getting kind of obvious to me..

MONAT can't target the general populace stating that it "makes the hair grow" or is "Hair miracle".. They know the society as a whole would laugh their butts off.  Or sue their butts off.  Especially if the product "goes south" like Wen Hair care products.

Don't go to the ones who use reasonably priced shampoos and get the same results and post their observations on the internet.

Don't to the ones that know a scam when they see one - and post their observations as well.

Target the DESPERATE!  the gullible, the ones that won't think twice to spend up to several thousand a month for pills to make their hair grow.  Those that are willing to risk, any and everything for even a promise. The ones that will fall for the tricks of the scammers and their capes on a hair site where it's been proven - it's a scam.

More so, go on the website, where people won't read reviews, do their own research, or listen to others.  And if the product doesn't work, they won't post about it.

People who are only out for their own financial gain through exploitation, are heartless.  And MONAT has proven this.

Any legit, safe cure for alopecia areata would have already been discussed, researched, tested and mentioned at the annual conference by by now. I am on their email list for new research, and they have never notified me about this product AT ALL.

And what's even more obvious it's a scam?

The ones that are caping for the company - all joined at the same time or with in a certain time span and only have one  or two damn posts behind them.. That's it.

"What MONAT product did you use? I'll pm you."

"I want to try this for my daughter can you pm me with the products?"

"How much does it cost?  Can you PM me with the information?"

"I tried it on my daughter and it was nothing short OF A MIRACLE!!!!!"

All of these people have only one or two posts to make it look as if they are a member.. And do what it is "schilling"..  as if they are sooo interested.

Another thing.  Why would the OP have to "PM" the price or information?  Be proud!  If you're going to advertise, you might as well - be proud of the price as well.  Hell, tell everyone about it as much as you like telling everyone about that MIRACLE!!!!




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