So, I’m super new to this situation. I have alopecia Areata with a couple 3-4” spots popping up overnight a couple months ago. Without treatment I have mostly white hairs growing but I’m optimistic. My hair grows super fast usually. The rest of my hair has been shedding diffusely the last couple weeks. Not sure if any is filling in because it’s harder to see.

I’m going to have my IUD removed (super reluctantly as it’s a god-send for anmillion other reasons) soon. But not sure what else to do.

Should I make an attempt to do something for this hair loss or does it seem like something that will also work itself out? My dermatologist is super conservative and still wants me to wait.

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Alopecia is a wait and see kind of condition. I had a boss years ago that lost spots of hair and it grew back in over a period of months. Have they done a biopsy of your scalp.? I wish there was something you could do, but there is not. Removing your IUD most likely will do nothing to improve this situation, it actually may do more harm because then you have to worry about something else. Contact the National Alopecia Areata Foundation in California to learn more about this condition. Wishing you all the best. I am a phone support person for the organization if you need to talk.

There is some info available about a correlation between Merina (sp) and AA.



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