Has anybody noticed an improvement when they changed their diet? I saw an Ayurvedic doctor on Friday, and she recommended all sorts of changes, such as eliminating wheat, pizza, tomatoes, processed food, cold food...the list goes on! I can see myself making SOME changes, but not all the changes. I guess little changes are better than nothing.

I was just curious if anybody has noticed that their hair began to grow back after changing their diet. I feel like what I'm doing now is working, and a diet change can only make it better, but I also don't want to not enjoy life by never having pizza or cold foods again!

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Yes I did notice changes with diet changes ,I have been lactose free for about 4 months now and I noticed that small vellu hairs began to appear all over my head like little clear peach fuzz and a small visible patche arrived in front of head around widows peak area and I began to feel much better physically, so yes positive changes did happen. you might find some research I found interesting google Marshal Protocal .
Looks like I have a lot of reading to do.
I had the same experience with my diet changes. I started seriously cutting back on wheat and dairy about 1 year ago and gave up coffee altogether about 8 weeks ago. My Naturopath confirmed I was allergic to all of these and a few more things. I also started using Ayurvedic oils about 4 months ago. For the past 10 years I've had a chronically itchy scalp but since giving up coffee this has disappeared. The Marshal Protocol you mentioned addresses the connection between the high acid content of coffee and autoimmune disorders. My acid reflux has also disappeared as a nice little side effect! I too have a crop of little vellu hairs all over my bald spots. These started growing a few months after I cut back on my wheat and dairy but started growing like crazy a few weeks after giving up coffee. I'm holding out hope that this is leading to something good.
Fantastic - I have given up dairy and wheat also . I only have one cup of coffee a day, but after reading your post, I think I would rather have hair!

Thanks for sharing, Cheri!
I spoke to my Ayurvedic Naturopath (in India!) about the coffee thing too and he agreed that giving up coffee is a good idea. But, I think it only makes sense if you think you're actually allergic to it. Once I started really paying attention to it I noticed my head getting itchy very soon after drinking it. He says he often sees a connection between food allergies and alopecia but not for every patient. This crazy condition is so evasive and mysterious. I spoke with another one of his patients who lives in the U.S. who has successfully grown back her hair and she drank one cup of coffee every day throughout the whole treatment and still does today. I'm saying all this because I really really love coffee and I sadly miss it and I'd hate for you to give it up without good reason. : )
Good point - thanks Cheri. I will experiment and see if removing the coffee makes a difference.
Sorry to hear about your lack of success. But, it is my understanding that gluten is not the only thing that can cause inflammation and an autoimmune response. I would suggest that you have your daughter checked for food allergies and have her avoid eating those foods, which is probably a good idea regards of any link to alopecia. I don't think the cause is the same for everybody but I suspect the mechanism is. Also keep in mind that not eating gluten is not just about avoiding things with "wheat flour" on the label. It is hidden in the ingredients all sorts of ways (due to lax labeling laws). Processed food of any kind is not necessarily safe even if it looks safe on the label.

Good luck.
I have just had a food panel allergy test done - tests 92 different foods - turns out I am highly allergic to wheat and dairy (no surprise) eggs and peanuts, oysters and crab. It also revealed that I have candida(yeast).

In order to get the body back in balance, we have to clean our digestive system - find out what you are allergic to (go to a Naturopath to do this - it will save you time and money in the long run), check for yeast, bacteria and parasites (usually done through a stool test) and your Naturopath will likely get your blood work done. He/She will be looking at entirely different things than your GP or Endocrinologist.

Another thing that has been brought to my attention is that people who have autoimmune problems are more sensitive to metals in the body and GMO food - organic is more expensive but there is no point in cleaning the digestive system up if we are still intaking poor quality food.
I started to eat Liver (just boiled in water) twice a week, and I now have eye lashes regrowing for the first time in about 7 years. I do have some scalp hair growth but Im not sure if thats the liver or not. Iv not noticed any body hair growth yet either.

NB One needs to be careful with liver intake as it contains vitamin A which can be harmful in large doses.
I think that is a scam. Did she strap you up to a machine that "read your energy?" Mine said to avoid sage, tuna, olive oil, blah blah blah...and then wanted $2700. I declined the "treatment."

I eat completely healthy...and I am losing more and more hair. I think it's triggered by a rapid change in your hormones or immune system...I started taking a diet pill 3 monthes ago and it changed my hormones and system and I didnt realize it and lost ALOT of hair. I stopped completely and I am now trying to get my system back into regularity. I dont think diet has to do with it...or else I'd have amazing hair.



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