FYI, my husband took my 10 year old to see Despicable Me 2 tonight. There was a scene where they told the man he was bald and ugly and people threatened to pull off his wig. I didn't see it, but my daughter was humiliated and felt sad when she went to the movies to laugh and enjoy herself.
When I got home and talked to her and she wrote them a scathing (very insulting) letter to let her express her feelings.
Anyways, just wanted to give everyone the heads up.

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Great, my husband wants to see this movie so bad!! We loved the first one, The world is so insensitive to Alopecia, It amazed me to learn how few medical people even know what it is!! I work in a hospital, and some of the Doctors didn't know much about it, let alone the nurses. Crazy, if there were more awareness I would think that there would be less tolerance for such bad jokes.



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