Hi, I've started wearing my wig 3 days ago and I need some advice.

I am completely bald and was wondering if I do need a wig cap (Nylon or cotton) or are those only for people who have hair left so they can tuck it under. Does a wig cap have any benefits for someone who is bald? Thanks for your help. By the way, I am wearing a synthetic wig with a wefted cap and it's pretty comfortable and doesn't get too hot.

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I am also completly bald and I have never worn a wig cap

I can highly recommend https://dresslily.com particularly if you've got mid to long hair. The wigs are made with real hair and they are very realistic.

I have AT with some fuzz, and have never worn a wig cap.
Thank you ladies. That's exactly what I wanted to know. I think I'll do the same then. ;-)
Thans Ms. G. I gave it a try and am wearing a wig cap today just to see the difference. Somehow my wig doesn't slide around as much as without one. It does feel a little warmer maybe. I might need to get a poly cotton one if I decide to wear my wig with a cap. Cotton is probably better than nylon on a bald head. What material is your wig cap made out of? Thx.
Thanks Ms. G. ;-)
I am AU and I don't wear a wig cap. I wear all sorts of wigs -- sometimes two or three different styles/colors in one day. :) What I DO use is a product I learned about from someone on this site. It's called Got2B Glued spiking creme. It's the stuff that people use to make their hair spiked into stiff points. I put a thin layer of that on my scalp before putting on the wig. It has amazing sticking power that lasts until you get extremely sweaty (but as you stop sweating, it starts sticking tough again). It washes off with water from both your head and the inside of the wig. Put a little of that stuff on your scalp and your wig isn't going anywhere. It makes the wig much more comfortable because there is absolutely no shifting!
Hi Lori. That's a great tip. I like this idea very much. I am gonna give it a try and report back. ;-) Thanks so much for your reply.
I use a wig cap to prevent slippage and also make wearing the wig a little more comfortable. I am not bald-bald, but have a 1/4 inch buzz all over. The wigs have a tendency to be itchy without the cap, but I guess it's a matter of preference. They're cheap, so get one and try it out to see what you think!
Hi Gail. I'll definitely have to play around with it to see what fits the best. Kinda new to this wig wearing business but have to get used to it. Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated.
Hi Andrea- I wear the wig cap and have tried to go without it but get very itchy and lots of slippage. The flesh color wig cap works best for me b/c if the wig does move up, the cap blends in w my forehead. Tried a cotton cap, but it was too thick and still moved. Just some shared experiences...Go get them, girl.

No wig cap here.  I sew in silicone pieces from Loris wig in the front and use glue or tape at the nape.  In hot weather when I sweat, tape and silucone at the nape seems to let go.  You need to just try some things to see what works for you.  

Facebook has many groups for peeps with hair loss and cover topics about wearing wigs.  There are even groups for buying & selling wigs.  The gals there know lots about helper hair and will be glad to answer your questions or you can search past discussions for answers to topics you are wondering about.



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