I am looking into buying a synthetic natural red wig but they are rather hard to find. I am hoping someone out there can point me toward a specific one that they have experience with. The color shades on websites are fairly inaccurate, especially when it comes to red hair. I am looking for something in a color simmilar to Christina Hendricks, Molly Ringwald, Laura Prepon, Felicia day a almost red-orange not an auburn or burgundy color.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I like your art. You're really pretty too. I ordered a wig hoping it would be auburn... when it finally came it was really red looking, to me. Not that I mind, I like myself in red hair, it's just that it looked nothing like the online swatch, and was inconsistent even with the name of the color, which was chestnut by amore (or is it jon renau?). Anywho. It kinda got me started on a red wig kick I think. Now I want another one. It might not be red enough for you though...

Hi - new to discussion and hit "Friend" instead!! I meant to just reply!! I have a cyber-hair wig with shades of red...hopefully I can get a pix uploaded with this reply. It's redder than I intended but that depends on the lighting. They had really deep reds I could have chosen but I went for a blended color of red, brown and blondes. The wig is very light weight and my only complaint is that some hair gets pulled to the scalp side during continued wear...so those can annoy. Otherwise, it's a year and half old and still like new, can comb it, style it and run my fingers through it snag free. My wig lady was floored when she saw it but doesn't sell that kind because it's long wearing (her clients like to change it up) and costs more (because you can swim and sweat in it and it's long wearing).

Anyway...here's a link http://privateissuebycyberhair.com/index.html, you'd have to find a local vendor from there. My cyber hair wig cost $1200 - and included the consult, cut and recut (when I didn't like the first style). One word about this wig - if you were used to full body hair - go with a style that already has some curl to it. The straighter style wigs can be "curled" but they will only hold that curl for a day and then revert to their original style. I plan to get another cyber hair and go for curly so I can straighten it a bit but still have more body. Am waiting to save up for that!!



how long did it last for you???

Always take a synthetic color swatch and a mirror outside the shop to see how it looks in bright sunlight before ordering...especially with the reds. I got a tri-tone once that looked natural, but didn't like how fake the one-color swatches looked.



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