My son is 12 and has been bald for 2 years. He is now in 7th grade!
He is a pillar of strength and he amazes us. He doesn't like the fact that he is bald and that everyone thinks he has cancer, but as a family, we remain positive and focus on all of his strengths that are totally not related to his appearance. He has amazing heart, he is a great baseball player, he sings, he has a great personality, he is an amazing athlete in every sport he plays. It has been very difficult for me as a parent to accept that I can't "fix this!" The more I focus on NOT focusing on his hair the better off we all are! He is beautiful first and foremost on the inside!
He always says " my friends like me for me, not for my hair!" I am certain it is easier to be a boy with alopecia, but people are very cruel and insensitive today.
We choose NOT to let it define who he is. As a parent I certainly worry about his future in dating, marriage and children, but I choose to enjoy today and every moment with him and thank God every day that it is NOT cancer! What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger and he is so strong and positive and that is the way we choose to live our lives! It will not control us, we are trying to control it! Take one day at a time and love who you are inside first! Everything else will fall into place!
Thanks for the post!
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