I just recently saw a new derm and she not so nicely told me that once you have hair loss that starts in the back border, it will almost always lead to total hair loss. I know this pattern has a poorer prognosis, but I have had this pattern, along with some diffuse loss, for about 1 and a half years now, and still have a lot of hair on top, although the back is thin and the nape is very resisitant to treatments. Has anyone had any success in re-growing hair in the nape area, and does this pattern usually lead to toal loss? Whether it is true or not, I do not think I will be returning to this dermatologist.

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I have the same one and now i am really worried. It is so horrible. I also have quite a lot of hair but i am losing some at the front and it is getting me down a lot
Hi lauren. Have you seen a derm? I dont think anyone, even dermatologists can predict what this thing will do as it is totally unpredictable and seems to affect everyone differently. This pattern however does seem to be more difficult.
I did post a reply but not sure where it went. I have had this pattern for 14 years and it has remained fairly stable. Hair remained on top and no re growth underneath, despite treatments. My Derm said it wouldn't change after so long, but I don't think there is a definitive answer. Sadly, mine has recently started thinning on top and I have developed a bald patch in the crown, which has never happened before. Really getting me down. Hope it's not the start of totalis after all these years.

On ebay I seen some part wigs, there is one that is only the front bangs, might be a suggestion for you. Sometimes it's an idea to take away the stress factor, as losing one's hair is very very emotional. If your interested message me, I'm sure I could find the link again. Blessings

I am new to Alopeciaworld and this is my first post as I have a 13 year old son who has just last week been diagnosed with Ophiasis pattern. The consultant we saw also told us that Ophiasis pattern has a poor prognosis and it tends to worsen over the years. It was not what we wanted to hear and my son and I now feel devastated as he is getting cruelly bullied at school about it.
His started, like you, about a year and a half ago with 2 patches at the nape and one on the forehead, all at the hair margins. It has progressed to massive hair loss at the back and many patches all over the sides.
He was given a few injections last week at the sides and I am giving him a Biotin daily supplement to see if that helps.
I would also be interested to know if anyone with Ophiasis has had any sort of regrowth.

Hi and welcome UKMumof2. So sorry to hear about your son. This condition is hard for anyone to deal with, but children especially, as school is so difficult. I wish I could give you something positive, but at this point I am having my own battle with this stupid thing. So far, all remarks regarding this pattern have not been very encouraging, however, I have not lost faith and you and your son shouldn't either. It would give us all some hope if someone could give a positive regrowth story for this pattern of alopecia.

hi ther-i have alopecia ophiasis and i have it for more then 12 years now-i stil have alota hair which is growing except for at the back-u know-there is no cure for what we have-but i have a cure-i asked God to please heal me and he did-put all ur worries and burdens in Gods hands-all we have to do is believe-im young ,and for a woman ur hair is important-i dont care anymore-doctors tell me to use this and that after all they know there isnt a cure-y give us false hope if ther is no solution-go on ur knees and speak to God-after all-his word declare that we have the power to heal ourselves,only if we believe......love use all mwah



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