Hey all. I'm a 33-year-old male. Last year was extremely stressful. I was depressed, hyperventilating at night, lots of crying. At the same time a very high platelet count in a blood test got me a call from the doctor, who put my immune system on watch. Around this time I noticed I was losing more hair than usual in the shower. The hair on my sides also rapidly turned white.

A year later my immune system is back to normal and my emotional health is a lot better than it was last year. Several months ago I felt a range of very small hairs - a few millimeters - all over my head, which I assume are those lost hairs growing back. Problem is, they've been stuck at this stage since they came back. I still have plenty of hair, but for what it's worth, I'd like to get these guys back in the game as well.

Questions: does this sound like diffuse alopecia areata? If not, what does it sound like? Can you recommend any home treatments? I don't want to resort to steroid injections and medicine unless there's absolutely no other options.

Thanks so much in advance.

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Yup, sounds like diffuse AA, which is what I have also. Those little hairs you are talking about are most likely exclamation hairs...broken off tapered hairs that don't really grow.

thing is, they weren't there at all for a while. is that the same?

Could be TE - go to a derm and have them do a scalp biopsy - it is painless and closed in one stitch - that should give you the answer - if it is TE it will all grow back unless it turns into chronic TE - but since you have resloved your stressful situation it prob is not chronic TE.

Those small hairs may be new ones coming in - the ones you did feel could be longer now and you are not feeling them anymore.



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