Hi everybody, I know a young girl who is considering donating here long beautiful hair to have it made into a wig for those who suffer from Alopecia. We know that there are organizations that will make them and cater to those who are Cancer patients, but how about catering to those us that have Alopecia?

If anyone has any information on where to donate hair to have it made in to a wig for girls with Alopecia please reply. Thanks in advance everybody! Happy Holidays!

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I can help with this, Freedom will buy hair from people who want to donate to help those with alopecia. (Freedom wigs are specifically made for those with alopecia (Long term extensive hairloss), we are unable to help those with cancer). They buy the hair and then the person who has donated it is able to give it to whatever charity they choose. (NAAF etc.) If you would like some more information on this just leave me a comment.

Because they have been on the scene for over 20 years, the naaf has been the default donation destination for most people without really giving it further thought. Has research money accomplished much? ( 4.5 million in 20+ years is about a half-hours worth of cancer research.) As a US public charity 501c3, Bald Girls Do Lunch is also able to give a tax deduction receipt for any donations ( cash or in-kind) and we look forward to telling you about how we use it today to reach women with AA directly.

We have no paid salaries and very low overhead. We don't give money to research because that is what the naaf mission is all about. We feel that funds are best used to help women (and by mentoring also the women of tomorrow) and give effective support today. We have a lean operation. Our funds go to work very efficiently to raise the public profile of alopecia alopecia and bring dynamic and life-enhancing skills quickly through in-person gatherings and beauty events, website AA info, up-to-date medical blog and email contact to name a few things.

Just this month, the American Academy of Dermatology awarded BGDL recognition in the Triangle Awards for three of our 2008 media campaigns.

Iwig.com in New York City made a custom wig for one of our BGDL New York members from the donated hair of her niece.

We're also able to facilitate that process with iwig for donations to be made without a specific recipient. Leave a message at info@baldgirlsdolunch.org for our assistance. It takes several pony tails to make one wig, so other hair was added, but it was very special to know where the hair came from.

you can try contacting www.childrenwithhairloss.us You can probably request that the hair be used for a wig for a child with alopecia. The company helps kid with alopecia and kids with cancer. For kids with alopecia they provide a free human hair wig once a year up to 21 if needed. Also locksforlove is probably mostly for kids with alopecia since they use a vacuum style wig that isn't meant to be worn over growing hair.



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