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  • Carol Yuen
  • Jonathan Walsh
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Orbit's Discussions

Donating Hair - Specifically to benefit those with Alopecia?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Alyssa and mom Lori Dec 13, 2008. 3 Replies

Blood Type & Diet

Started this discussion. Last reply by Xeljanzmiracle Nov 1, 2015. 14 Replies

What do you do when you see others with Alopecia?

Started this discussion. Last reply by JeffreySF Sep 14, 2009. 42 Replies

Gifts Received (1)


Smile and Be Positive!

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Profile Information

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In a Relationship
About Me:
Smooth and silky! I have AU (Alopecia Universalis, I grow no hair anywhere) and have had some form of Alopecia my whole life. These days I try to live my life with purpose, kindness and compassion. I know that growing up with AU has made me a more sensitive and caring person. The fact that I am bald doesn't deter me in any way. The fact that I have no hair is just one of the reasons that I am special, I have accepted it and am happy to help others going through the same thing. I am Happily AU Naturel!

Having this condition is not really as bad as it seems, honestly. I am so used to now I don't know what I would actually do if I did grow hair! The thought of shaving my legs scares me, the extra maintenance and upkeep, oh the horror! Being soft and smooth has its benefits! I choose to mostly wear wigs and I have a lot of fun with it. I've completely embraced the my versatility and I like to be chameleon like. Day to day I am a redhead, and I wear a colour that is very close to my bio hair. I do like to spice things up with different colours and styles. Long and dark one day, short and brown another, curly and blonde, you get the idea. Sometimes it looks great, but next to my shockingly pale skin I think the red is the best. I haven't really got the nerve to wear my bald look out in public (mostly due to the fact that I have big ears!) but do so often around the house especially for strenuous exercise.

I know there are fellow alopecians on here with lots of questions about my wigs and just whats the deal with them?! No mystery, just find something that suits you and work with it. Do research, inform yourself, shop with a trusted friend, and most importantly don't get discouraged! Look outside the box and trust in yourself! You are the most important person in your life, so give yourself break! Remember that CONFIDENCE CAN BE FAKED! All you have to do is hold your head high (bald, covered, with a wig whatever) and SMILE! You'll start to beleive it and so will others! I guarantee that your positive energy will be contagious! I'm happy to answer any questions and help in any way that I can!

A bit more about me, I am a second generation Canadian Leathersmith who owns and runs my own business. I wouldn't have it any other way! I'd like to get a chance to explore more of my artistic side when I get a little spare time. I love to paint, do sculpture, work with reclaimed materials and recycle stuff into art. While I am not musical myself, I really enjoy a whole range of music from all over then world. I like to sew, and do anything that keeps my hands and brain busy. I think its important to honour our heritage (I am a mixture of Scottish, Polish and German decent). I thinks its very important to keep the dying crafts alive. My grandma taught me to crochet and my nana taught me to knit, both of which I love to do. In addition to that I have my own strange style of embroidery and beadwork. I like to doodle and scribble down poetry. I try to continuously educate myself, I'd be afraid my brain might turn to mush otherwise! All outdoor pursuits are of interest to me, specifically I most enjoy: Canoe back country camping, hiking, biking, gardening, sailing, and snowboarding. I practice Yoga and meditate often. I like to exercise to blow off stress. I enjoy walking my Portuguese Water Dog. I'm concerned about the state of our planet and try to implement "green" alternatives whenever I can. I try consume as many organic foods as possible. I'm a big fan of the "Slow Food" movement. I like to garden and love spending time in the forest. I am a vinyl junkie and have a huge LP collection - I just love the warm sound of records! I'm a pinball junkie, I admit it. I really enjoy a nice glass of red wine or single malt scotch. Friends tell me I'm just one of the guys.

~~~~~~ I am Happy, I am Healthy, I am Whole and Complete ~~~~~~
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Orbit's Blog

Honoring Alopecia Awareness Month?

Posted on September 25, 2008 at 4:42pm 2 Comments

Hello to everyone that glances at my post!

I am wondering....What have you done, if anything, to help raise awareness about Alopecia in your community, school, circle of friends or family etc. etc. How have you felt doing this and how do feel that others have responded?

I'd love to hear about how We as Alopecians try to enlighten others. Hopefully your answers will inspire more us to spread the word about our unique situation.

Keep smiling you guys!

The very best Healthcare in the world!

Posted on July 31, 2008 at 8:53am 10 Comments

Yesterday I had the unfortunate experience of having to take my fiancee to the emergency room. He had very severely cut his left index finger (I'll leave out the gorey details, but I had never scene anything so extreme in my life). We quickly gathered ourselves and we were in the car within seconds of realizing the severity of the situation. We now live in a small rural community and have a hospital about a 10mins. drive away. It serves a region of four counties. The hospital is new and has all… Continue

China Doll

Posted on June 9, 2008 at 9:30pm 6 Comments

A few years back I was managing my parents' retail tack store. I had gotten to know quite a few of the local equestrian riders who frequented the shop. I'll never forget the day I had knelt down to help this young girl of about 7-8 years old. I was eye to eye with her on her level and she was staring at me quite intensely. Sometimes I get an uneasy feeling when I know that I am being studied so closely....I wasn't sure if she was going to laugh or cry. Eventually she broke into the biggest… Continue

Like an Orchid..........

Posted on June 1, 2008 at 10:53am 3 Comments

My beau likes to give me an orchid on special occasions (I love their delicate beauty, graceful stems, leatherly leaves and beautiful blooms), and over the years I've tried many times unsuccessfully to get a second round of flowers out of them :-(

I had set a side one tired, neglected faded orchid on the landing in our back hallway and had pretty much forgotten about it. Its one leaf was shriveling and the last stem was leaning terribly. I figured it was time to ditch it, I even… Continue

So many like me!

Posted on April 16, 2008 at 6:13pm 4 Comments

I just clicked on the "members section" and could barely believe that there are over 700 members on this site!!!! Who knew there were so many people with some form of Alopecia!? I know the stats say about 2% of the population is afflicted by it, but I never knew anyone else with it while I was growing up. I wish the internet was around when I was a kid, I sure could have used this type of support when I first was diagnosed. It feels so good to be with such good company :-D

Comment Wall (183 comments)

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At 8:40am on June 23, 2010, Dana Kozlowski said…
the red hair suits you well. The scarves look great too.
At 8:32am on June 23, 2010, PATTY said…
Hi Orbit....I love your photo....I love your wigs....
Do you use rene of paris wigs???
Yesterday I have ordered my first wig.....Bradi by rene of paris. It's a new world for myself.
....It's so difficult......
I'm going in fitness center 5 days a week.....I will
go also with my wig...If my wig dont move.....
I need all advice about fasten fix, wig.......
I'm a beginners.......
At 6:10pm on June 19, 2010, Dave said…
Happy Birthday!!!
At 9:45am on June 19, 2010, Dotty said…
Happy Birthday!!!!!
At 8:17pm on April 27, 2010, sas said…
Hey...i really like your wigs...where do u get ur wigs and scarfs from
Also how much do they cost?
At 12:14pm on March 28, 2010, kastababy said…
Hi Orbit!

I haven't heard from you in quite some time; and to be honest, I've been something of a recluse myself for the past few months, but I wanted to take the time to see how you were doing and wish you a happy Spring!!
At 1:24am on November 10, 2009, Roger gave Orbit a gift
At 11:18am on September 24, 2009, Erin Barber said…
hello, I am new here. I was recently diagnosed with alopecia. I am so glad I found this support group. It really does help. I want to get a wig or 2. I never realized how hard it would be to pick out something that will be perfect for me. Yours are really nice. where did you get them? Thanks!! Erin
At 2:33pm on September 21, 2009, Shannon said…
Hi Orbit. Your pics and page are inspiring. I've been dealing with alopecia for three year. I'm still in the process of trying to use what I have to cover what I don't have. Could you tell me where you get your great headscarves and wigs?
At 1:28am on July 22, 2009, KnittyCat said…
I just got through reading your bio, sounded very familiar. I, though, have become comfortable w/o the hair (as you can see in the photo). I don't have my own business but would love to, just not sure what I want to pursue. I love to cook and, also, am artsy. I learned, as a child, to knit from my 3 grade teacher and to crochet from my Nanny (grandmother) and continue both today. My father was the leatherman and also carved things out of wood (small things w/ a pocket knife). I sew, cross stitch, dabble in painting and drawing, like to take pictures (photography), but would not call myself a Photographer by no means. I understand about the pale complexion, I come from Scotch, Irish, English decent. I never met anyone w/ Alopecia of any form until 1990 (about 20 years after I lost my hair the first time). Keep up the beautiful work and know that you are a beautiful w/ or w/o hair.



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