Hello to everyone that glances at my post!

I am wondering....What have you done, if anything, to help raise awareness about Alopecia in your community, school, circle of friends or family etc. etc. How have you felt doing this and how do feel that others have responded?

I'd love to hear about how We as Alopecians try to enlighten others. Hopefully your answers will inspire more us to spread the word about our unique situation.

Keep smiling you guys!

Views: 5

Comment by Alopecia World on September 25, 2008 at 9:00pm
Hi, Orbit. Several answers to your question are provided here. :-)
Comment by jamie1 on September 25, 2008 at 9:06pm
Hi Orbit, While not waving any banners, I think that I did a very basic thing honoring Alopecia Awarness Month - I just came VERY out of the closet. I needed to do this for myself and it seemed like a good time. Having experienced bouts of AA for many years, as you know, when the patchiness got too much, I shaved. This time, the hats were ditched and I presented myself everywhere quite confidently BALD! (even if I had to fake the confidence some days). This included work, classes, dating, you name it. When asked, I gave the 30 second infomerical on alopecia. If some expressed more interest, I even shared a few wallet sized pics of my patches and clumps. This must be who I am suppose to be, otherwise, why would it still keep happening?. None of us really has any reason to feel ashamed or humiliated. We are really quite valid. Sure, I've had a few stares. I really hope the next stare I get is from some wee, young one with alopecia! Hey, maybe I might make it a bit easier for them. As the wise women once said, "Smile and stay positive."


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