Hi there, everybody!

I'm a 16-year-old male in my sophomore year at high school. Just over this past summer (July,) right after my haircut, I noticed two small penny.-like round holes on the side of my head and on the back of my head. I really didn't think much of it until I had an appointment with my PCP and he told me I had alopecia areata. (Or however you spell it lol.) I went to the dermatologist around August, and she injected me with 10 mg of whatever they use for this. Anyways, the side of my head grew back, but the back of my head increased from around 3cm to 5cm. I just recently went in around middle to late November, and she didn't find any other bald spots than the one on the back of my head, which is nice. She injected 20ml of this stuff into the back of my head, and, so far, hairs have been popping up, and I think everything might turn out to be fine. That being said, I don't want it to be popping up again, so I was wondering if there were any ways for me to help prevent this from happening again. 

As to be caused from stress, I started taking anxiety pills over the summer, and my anxiety has gone down significantly. My doctor said I was very, very deficient in iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc. I really blew it off until I researched about alopecia and its relation to the lack of vitamins. So, I've been making an effort to pump my body full of this stuff. I've been getting rid of my chemical shampoo and getting some more natural shampoo so it's better on my hair. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. 

I really appreciate all of your help. I didn't really realize how important hair was to society as a whole until I started losing my hair. So I honestly can now say that I really think that you people are the bravest people in the world. 



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Hello, you might want to use Minoxidil which is over the counter for hair loss. As you know Alopecia is an Autoimmune Condition which is very unpredictable. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Stay positive and be sure your close family and friends are part of your support group. There is an organization called the National Alopecia Areata Foundation in Northern California that you might want to look to for information and research they are doing on AA.

Best of luck to you and email me if you have any questions that I can try to answer or guidance I can provide.

Hey bud, I just went through the same thing. I just had an injection of Lidocane in 10 days ago and I have some re-growth since but I had some major yellowing of the scalp and slight irritation. My Gf says she sees some minor results in the last couple weeks. Like my GP said, this is not a cure, this is just to try and stop the attack.

About the lack of vitamins I am not sure. My vitamin intake has been consentient for years and I eat relatively healthy food so I don't know if vitamin deficiencies are a part of the problem but I am not a specialist in this field, I am a member going through the same thing.

Stay positive cause that is all we can do !!!


Look into leaky gut and autoimmune diseases. Try to see a functional doctor and get some test done Hormones, amino acids, heavy metals, vitamin D, ect. Your job is to try and find the underlying cause (which is different for everyone) and address it. In the mean time try and live a balanced healthy lifestyle.

Hey. I could you please specify the sizes and no. Of them? Or if you could add pictures?I hopefully think i've got a solution. It's bit weird, the treatment. But i am pretty sure it would work. You're young, you'll need your parents to help you out with this method. It's cheap and extremely efficient (it was for me).

The spot on the back of my head is about 5cm side to side and 3cm up and down. I'll see if I can add a picture sometime, can't do it now though. 

Hey. Well what you will need is a Razor Blade, some anti septic, and blade should be sterilised. You'll need the help from your parents. Because you can't do it on your own. I've added you. I'll send you the method in pvt.
I have alopecia for like 18 years now. I'm 25, i've seen dermatologists, in 3 countries, nothing worked for me. And, i was a bit careless too. But a barber did something no Dr could.

Salman, what method are using?

I've wriiten it here. Attached pictures of things you'll need. You'll be needing help from your parents, partners, siblings etc. can't do it on your own. Please let me know, would you do it or not? If not? Then why the fuck not? Tc my friend.


Be careful with alternative treatments as suggested above. The scalp is more prone to infection than other areas and is prone to profuse bleeding. I'm all for trying new things but I'm 100% sure if you need razor blades and antiseptic it is dangerous!

Sounds like a episode of Dexter if you ask me !!!

Lol the issue is, you guys fucking trust Drs. If it includes blade and anti septic, it's guckin dangerous. Sad fucking reality.

LOL? are you 13 years old Salman.kh? If you are a self proclaimed god with a cure then show everyone that you are ! What do you have to lose?

I know my GP takes care of biz and has my interests, like my car doctor, my carpet doctor and my hair doctor so take your shizz outta here.



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