Just wondering.. I have been reading a few posts in the treatment discussions and I am wondering when people's energy and passion for researching possible treatments starts to fade - or for some if it never does?!
I am in year 6 of Alopecia with no head hair at the moment but fortunately all eyebrows and lashes. I am on my second bout of immune suppressant drugs ( the first set worked then it all fell out) BUT after reading the discussion boards I realised I have lost all passion for trying alternative treatments and even reading about them - maybe that is a good point to be at? Seeing as we have no known certified medical cure for Alopecia.
Interested to hear:
Do you still have the energy and passion for researching and trying alternative treatments?

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I suffer from AT and have done since 2011, I'm 33. The hair grew back thicker than ever after the first fall out, unfortunately it wasn't to last & I've been bald since June 2012. I haven't looked into treatments because my hubby and I were trying for a baby & the doctors wanted to start throwing steriods my way. Plus if there was a cure no one would be bald right. We underwent a round of IVF late Nov 2012 and I'm happy to announce we are expecting in August!!... But GUESS WHAT?? Bubs is suppressing my immune system and I'm not longer completely bald.. so perhaps a partial 'cure' is to get pregnant :) sorry boys this obviously wont work for you.  I look like I have AA now instead of AT, I don't expect it to last but its nice to know the follicles haven't completely given up on me yet. I'm not sure if I'll look at persuing treatments after I'm finished with having babies. I mean it would be nice to have my hair back someday but I think I'm strong enough to get through life without it if I have too. Plus having the support from all these wonderful people on here, who needs hair.  I think you just get to a point where you either just accept it or go crazy spending thousands trying to find a cure.

However, I have also heard that researchers are getting VERY close, perhaps they should develop a pill that mimics pregnancy. Who knows it could very well happen in our life times :)

To me it seems that Alopecia is somewhat connected to our Hormones. I found it cycled in 7yr periods, also, and possible  of regrowth with menopause.

That us an interesting question. I lost my last bit of hair last summer and I knew early in that it was a let go and let God situation. I work as a medical professional and know others in different specialties. Not one provided a shred of hope that there was a single thing u could do to treat this so I never wasted much time looking for treatment. I gave up my wig and embraced the bald. I am already on immunosuppressant type drugs for RA. When it was just patches on my scalp I did steroid injections and for 2 weeks last year as a last ditch effort I allowed my chiropractor to try acupuncture. No success. My advice - don't waste a lot of energy on it.
Hi Jules. I am also in my sixth year of total hairloss but decided to spend my energy on my family, work and study and not waisting my money and energy on all sorts of non-tested/proven treatments.
I am truly happy for those who tried alternative treatments / changed diets and had their hair grow back. However, there is no, as you wrote, scientific, research based treatment for Alopecia so it might very well the case that their hair had grown back without these changes. Problem with Alopecia is that we don't know what causes it and we don't kow how to undo it.
I have not giving up hope that my hair will grow back but I am not having my Alopecia determine my life. Having said that: I am fortunate that I have never encountered anyone who judges me for my condition. in my 'down time' I make the most colourfull head scarfs I can buy fabric for and my colleagues and friends always wonder how many I have. One colleague told me that I always look so 'glamorous'. What more does a woman want! Cheers, Karen

Dear Jules,


I have had AAU for over 45 years now.  I don't think you ever totally give up hope, and  I  agree thinking positive and now I am more comfortable in my own skin.  The awesome thing is we all can talk now.  When I was diagnosed I was told I was 1 in a million which was not very special for me.  I stopped trying with the doctors after 7 years and just centered on getting and being healthy and strong after that as I was since all the time.  It is great though for me that we know so many that know what we go through and yes it is not a thing that will kill you but it does affect are lives and how we do somethings.  I love seeing the younger people who are so much more comfortable than I was at their age.  I am in awe and a little jealous at the same time that I was not that strong that young. 

I started out wanting a cure, like many people with alopacia.  I'm in year 8.  In year 5, I went from areta to total alopacia.  For about a year, I wore wigs and listened to everything anyone suggested about how to regain my hair.  Fortunately, I never invested too much money.  When I finally started to accept myself as a bald woman, I decided that there was only one thing better than being in the 4% of the world's population as a red head and that was being in the 2% of people with alopacia.  Recently, I had a friend who told me she could get my hair back with nutrition therapy.  I said, "Sure.  But not now.  I'm enjoying being bald."  Be beautiful.  Be you.


Great replies :-) You get wiser ad smarter with age and experience that is for sure!

I have zero interest in trying so-called alternative treatments. I think I came to that conclusion at roughly the 6 year mark too. Maybe it's a process we all have to go through. If there's a cure I'll certainly line up to try it, but until that day I've made peace with my alopecia and life just goes on.

they willreally don,t understand there is not an cure at all point blank.com

Hi Jules. I have had alopecia areata for 9 years now. I am 35 and first got it when I was 16. I have been lucky for the most part - I had one bad bout when I was 18, and then nothing until after I had breast reduction surgery a year and a half ago. 6 months after surgery (and I hear after surgery it can sometimes be around 4 to 6 months later that AA creeps up), my hair began falling out the worst it ever has. I use Rogaine which is not the greatest, but does have slight usefulness. Besides that, I have been using glucosamine and MSM (methylsulfylmethane), which u may have seen on other boards here. It's not foolproof by any means, but it is the first thing I've been using that seems to be showing any visual difference. I have only been using it for a couple of months, but my body does seem to be responding to it, and I can tell a difference between the pictures of when it first started falling out. I think the keys are mostly to make sure that u have something to keep your stress levels centered as much as possible (I recommend yoga, though I rarely have time for that myself), some kind of anti-inflammatory as I believe this does have to do with bodily stress and that helps as well. Glucosamine is good for the joints and helps things overall process better in your body. But MSM is the one I feel is the most effective supplement. My mother gives her dog a supplement which has grown his hair back, and the most active ingredients in it, too, are glucosamine and MSM. U can buy more appropriate doses of those (and combined, as well), for humans at places like Whole Foods. No cure is immediate so u do have to be consistent with using supplements, and trust me when I tell u I am about the least patient with pill taking u can find. But I'm giving this a shot because (at least so far) it seems to be doing something for ME, at least.
that is interesting thanks. i used to take glucosamine not for my hair but because i play a lot of sports. it makes silence about the anti inflammatory benefits. the msm i have not hear of - is that from a pharmacy or prescribed? i take lots of vitamins, iron. folic acid etc that a lot of days recently i get totally sick of all the pill popping!! it gets so annoying and i can forget to take them all! i have a good diet and nothing ever shows up in my blood that i have deficiencies but i still take them! crazy?! maybe :-)
*sense not silence!



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