Explaining desire to wear wig rather than being natural to my 11 yo sweet daughter

My AA has turned into AU. It has been much harder than I anticipated. I shaved in July and I don't even shave now. The staring and pointing is so much harder to bear for some reason, especially when I am out with my 11 year. This is difficult at times and I don't like being in public unless my husband is with me. I have 3 girls and 2 boys, who are amazing. My girls are 11 and under. What has happened is initially I wanted to be bald, bcz this is me. I wanted my 11 yo to see no matter what we look like, it is our heart that matters. Now, I am wanting a wig. My daughter doesn't understand, and I don't have a clue how to explain it to her. Has anyone else dealt with this? Any thoughtful advice?
Thanks so much!

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I feel that how you want to present yourself is a personal choice and wanting to wear a wig is just that, a choice that doesn't dictate or control who or what you are...it is just about what you would like to present yourself like, for now...down the road you may (and have the right) to change your mind. 

You have made your daughter /children understand that your lack of hair is not something that makes you who you are.  It does not define the person within, but that doesn't mean that you love having no hair and you have to hold yourself within a specific look...fashion changes, people change....move with it...change is something that needs to be embraced, especially change that is positive and uplifting as I hope this choice will be for you.

Good luck with everything.


Wow. I havent been on this sight for about 4 years and have had AU that long. I have 4 kids and i didnt want their mom to be different, its hard for kids in school. The other reason is that everyone assumes you are sick when you go out with a scarf. I am healthy, thank God and do not want to be mistaken for someone facing a serious illness. I cannot imagine what they are going through even with friends with cancer.
I love wigs and honestly after a while, i forget my au problem and i barely think about it. I order wigs online and have fun with it. Its like an accessory!
All the best. Your daughter will understand and if you feel good about it, so will she.
Thank you all for your encouragement! Supermom, I pray that in 4 years I will be as relaxed as you sound :) Do you have any wig recommendations? I was looking at a Monofilament one. My hair was long. I am debating if I should get a long one or a shorter one. They seem to be rather itchy.



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