Hey everyone,

So!! I guess this is exciting (but still knocking on wood) most of my spots have a layer of regrowth. Still have a huge one on the right side of my scalp that only has little tufts of regrowth, and then the nape of my neck area also is lacking in regrowth but I'm not complaining. All in due time I hope!

I have to be honest, I think I already know what the answer to this is but was wondering : would you get extensions (those semi-permanent ones you get at the salon, that last about 4-8 weeks until you have to get them re-attached)? 

I'm thinking I probably will not, because I've been on this journey since Jan 2013, and the last thing I want to do is have bald patches again - but this time, from my hair being tugged! I am just a little impatient, and really want to have the option to wear my wig when I want fabulous hair versus always having to wear it before leaving my home.


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