I was wondering if anyone has used the "blinkies" brand false lashes? Does anyone have any advice about false lashes? I have tried the MAC ones in the past, but find they fall down since i have no real lashes to hold them up. any suggestions? help! thank you very much!

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Way over-priced. There seems to be an increasing trend of adhering the words " for alopecia" on products and tripling the price.

I asked for a sample just to see what all the marketing hype was about....I like to decide for myself and see things up close. Photos never tell the whole story. They could have sent us just one eye, even half an eye. The reply was that another organization "endorses" it so that should be good enough. Hmmm. That was that. Never did see a sample. Their return policy? Must be unopened AND unused AND you pay a $7 return fee.

And then a few months later a surprise note came in from the owner of falseeyelashesstore.comsaying she wanted to support what we're doing for women. She offers a discount of 15% off their already great prices with code BGDL at check out. Another friend of alopecians is born. Their private label brand is about $2.80 a pair. Free shipping and a 40 day return policy.

Advice on false lashes: put the glue on the strip. Wait. Wait a bit more. Let the glue become tacky.( Remember rubber cement from elementary school?) Then apply to your lid. Strip Lashes will work fine without any support from real lashes below. Individual clumps of lashes are the ones that benefit from support below or aside. Also, trim the lashes and experiment with shorter strips and projection of lashes. Start with just the outer third while still practicing with them.

For me, lashes look more natural without a thick black line. I prefer invisible line lashes. But for some eyes the look of black liner can be attractive and dramatic. Just not on my eyes.

There's a group on AW about make-up...there should be a lashes discussion there, too.

My daughter uses the Blinkies. For her, because they are thicker, they are easier to put on then the drug store kind. Also, you can re-use them. Her's last one to two weeks with daily wear. They are expensive and if the drug store kind work, that's probably a better deal. They do give bulk discounts.
Thanks Viktoria...that's an interesting point about thickness.

I just buy the ones from target. The thickest ones that they have. I wear them 3 times before I throw them away! I like them a lot!!
hiya jennifer is target a store near u, i have looked around for lashes and havin no luck, if i find some there not suitable for me,
I agree with Thea...I have spent a lot on lashes...and they were no different than the cheap ones. Also...use a toothpick to apply the glue. I also agree with putting glue on your lash line and the lash itself...helps keep them on for a long time. My personal favorite is revlon, at any drug store. I get the adhesive ones, AND add glue...and those babys dont move...even if I cry. I trim them a little too...not straight across..but i cut into them a little to create different lengths.

A friend of mine leaves glue on the lashes for a few days and only removes it all periodically. She says her lashes last a long time because it's the wear and tear of rolling off the old glue that causes them to fall apart.

I was not suggesting glue on the eyelash line itself, only on the edge line of the fake lashes.

When I need fake lashes I hold them steady in an old pair of flat end tweezers when I put the glue on. That makes it easy to wave them around a bit to get the glue to the tacky stage faster. And I use the tip of the tweezers to press the edges into place. Finger tips just seem too big for the task if you have long nails.

Mascara ads:

Every mascara ad in every magazine without exception has fake lashes on the models. It should be outlawed to advertise mascara with photographs of fake lashes, but that's a truth in advertising issue. Meanwhile, I'm taking advantage of it and studying the mascara ads to get a wonderful education in size and styles of all the fake lashes that are out there.

I'm in love with Bobbi Brown gel liner. It does not budge an iota even if you cry at funerals.
You can totally fake a lash line with it where you have no lashes at all. It has thickness, dimension and adds a shadow ...everything you need to fake it.

I buy tiny brushes with long handles at the art store that I use only for gel liner. You must wipe the brush clean immediately after each use. The gel hardens and if you leave it on the brush and go toward your eye with it the next time, you might poke yourself with a very hardened tip. BE CAREFUL! Keep brushes clean and they will last forever too. I still have my first Revlon liner brush from high school..though the paint on the handle has chipped off.




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