Has anyone had success with eliminating gluten and dairy from their diet? My 4 year old daughter was diagnosed last May and has lost about 60% of her hair. She also has nail pitting so we suspect her body is really fighting itself. I've read a lot about eliminating gluten and dairy, but would like specific accounts of people who have experimented with this. REcent research linking Alopecia to Celiac disease prompted me to eliminate gluten. My daughter has been gluten free for nearly three months and her condition has not improved--rather her patches are still active and growing. I have read that it takes on average 3-6 months for the gut to heal once gluten is eliminated, so we will continue for a few more months. Yesterday I also started a trial elimination of dairy. I know this sounds extreme for a four year old, but she has signs of sensitivities to both gluten and dairy. Though the alopecia has not improved, her gluten sensitivity symptoms (excessively gassy, dark circles under eyes, fatigue, stomach cramping) have vanished. Our family has been pleasantly surprised that the change has not been as hard as it sounds. Expensive, yes...but not that difficult. There are many good gluten/dairy free alternatives and the bottom line is we eat much more fresh fruit and veggies. We have decided to commit to this for the next three months knowing that since my daughter still eats all of her meals at home, this will be the easiest time to experiment with this. I would really, REALLY appreciate anyone's experiences or insights. Though I said it wasn't "that difficult" I certainly will not fully continue these restrictions if it is in vain.

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Susan on this site started a huge discussion this. Go follow from her page.
Sarah - how long did it take before you noticed a change?
Thank you to everyone for your input! Everyone's willingness to share experiences and information has been a life-saver. As a parent, the feeling of helplessness has been the toughest journey of my life. Susan, your story is inspirational--I am sending you oodles of positive energy for your continued healing and health. I will look froward to reading updates of your success. I will for sure be posting our progress as we go.

And I LOVE the idea of the waffles for sandwich bread...perfect for packed lunches.
After going on a low-carb diet and eliminating bread and starches, I noticed that the arthritis in my hands pretty much went away. So I started being consciously "gluten free."

The pain in my hands, which literally used to radiate, is still gone.

Oh yeah, and I'm still a universal cue ball. ;) But I'm in my mid 50s and have had alopecia since 1970.

Like anything else, it's certainly worth a try. Eliminating gluten is part of an anti-inflammatory program, and since hair shedding is due to inflammation in the hair follicles, it might slow down or even stop the process.
Low-carb, grain free diet has worked for me as well. I have not had pain in my shoulder for several months now (There is a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis in our family). Other than having an occasional oat meal or quinoa, I don't miss grains at all.
I have been without hair for 6 years now. I started a strict 100% gluten free diet the end of Aug. I had been playing with being gluten free since March but it is such a huge lifestyle change you can't do it over night. My hair is growing in at a much more pleasing texture and it is very thick. It is not all back yet but I have seen more re-growth in the last two months than I have in the last 6 years. It is very important to be 100% gluten free not just 99% gluten free. My naturopath explained to me that even the littlest amount of gluten can irritate your immune system so you will never fully heal. And there is gluten hidden in a lot of foods, you almost have to carry around an ingredient list around with you when you shop! (I have just given up gluten not dairy, so far) -It is to hard to to both. There are a ton of products out there that are gluten free so it is really not that hard of a lifestyle. For me it is well worth my time, I feel great inside. Wheat was never meant to be apart of our diet anyway. Hope this helps you! I have some great gluten free recipes! I don't go without anything....we still do pastas and gravies all the time (gluten free of course!)




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