Has anyone had success with eliminating gluten and dairy from their diet? My 4 year old daughter was diagnosed last May and has lost about 60% of her hair. She also has nail pitting so we suspect her body is really fighting itself. I've read a lot about eliminating gluten and dairy, but would like specific accounts of people who have experimented with this. REcent research linking Alopecia to Celiac disease prompted me to eliminate gluten. My daughter has been gluten free for nearly three months and her condition has not improved--rather her patches are still active and growing. I have read that it takes on average 3-6 months for the gut to heal once gluten is eliminated, so we will continue for a few more months. Yesterday I also started a trial elimination of dairy. I know this sounds extreme for a four year old, but she has signs of sensitivities to both gluten and dairy. Though the alopecia has not improved, her gluten sensitivity symptoms (excessively gassy, dark circles under eyes, fatigue, stomach cramping) have vanished. Our family has been pleasantly surprised that the change has not been as hard as it sounds. Expensive, yes...but not that difficult. There are many good gluten/dairy free alternatives and the bottom line is we eat much more fresh fruit and veggies. We have decided to commit to this for the next three months knowing that since my daughter still eats all of her meals at home, this will be the easiest time to experiment with this. I would really, REALLY appreciate anyone's experiences or insights. Though I said it wasn't "that difficult" I certainly will not fully continue these restrictions if it is in vain.