Hi All,

I'm 25 year old female and I have alopecia. I started re-growing my hair about a year ago. I had some temporary luck, but it seems to be on its way out now. That being said, it's was never cosmetically acceptable, so I wear a wig.

I consider myself pretty athletic. However, as a kid I quit the sports that I loved because I found it scary/difficult/embarrassing to play with a wig on. Now, as an adult, I'd like to start going to my neighborhood gym... but am facing many of the same issues. I don't feel comfortable going "au naturale," but my wig gets pretty sweaty and gross when I wear it to the gym (I only own one).

I was thinking maybe I could wear a hat? I was wondering how other women have dealt with this issue. Any advice or suggestions?

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Although I don't workout as much as I should when I do I do it with my wig. I personally, am not comfortable being without my wig, call it my security blanket of sorts. I avoid working out in the morning because of the sweaty issue. I usually workout at night and shower as soon as I get home. If you are comfortable with a hat or bandana, DO IT. I do have a second wig that I use to workout sometimes, garden, and other stuff like that. Let me know what you decide or if you have any questions.
Yes the wig thing gets old I wear scarves, and most people dont really carel ,,Its easy to think everyone is looking at us but really everyone has got so much on their minds they may look but its temporary and than they go back. , to thier own worries money,, relationships,,children most people dont have time to really concentrate on why we are wearing scarves and there are some gorgeous scarves out there so dont let this limit you in your life we really are here for such a short while.enjoy love laugh,,play but dont stop living
Hi Casey, I swim for exercise and didnt go near the pool nearly all summer. I took my "hair" off and tied a pretty purple bandana. Felt a bit self concious at first but so good to back in the water! I usually dont go anywear without my hair. I also dragged a girlfriend with me for moral support. Good Luck
I wear a bandana, or a buff, to the gym. I have worn my wig (I have a Freedom vacuum wig so it won't come off accidentally), but I am more comfortable and less sweaty without it on. I know I get some strange looks when I don't wear my hair, but I just put my ipod in, ignore them and get on with my exercise. Sometimes the annoyance can make me push myself harder! Some people are just so rude.



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