i use some stuff called fluocinonide topical solution. i have to apply it all over my head every night. its looks like water. but anyhow it gives me really gross pimples all over my head but the worst pimples i get are right on my forehead. i dont even know if there pimples but i cant seem to pop them (i know this is to much info). so has anyopne else got these before or does anyone else use this medicine

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Fluocinonide is a very powerful corticosteroid. I was prescribed this for use on my initial spots and was told by my dermatologist to only use it on small areas and to be very careful how much I used on my head. Corticosteroids CAN cause acne, and I believe in my case it did (and didn't seem to be helping my hair grow) so I stopped using it. I am a bit surprised that you would be applying this over such a large area, as strong topical corticosteroids in large doses can be absorbed systemically as well which can cause other side effects. If you are wearing a buff or nightcap over it to sleep that can make things worse. Note that I am not a doctor - but especially since you are having significant reaction to the treatment you might want to discuss this with your doctor or possibly get a second opinion on the treatment.

Best Wishes!
Steroids can cause acne, they do with me. Also, the use of steroids really doesn't seem to work. Once you stop your hair falls out anyway. Then you have all the side effects, some of which can cause other problems that are worse than hair loss. See another doc.
Hi everyone,

For the last 6 months i had started a steroids treatment. Dermovat for head and legs, and Elcon for the beard and eyebrow hair (these are the European names i have no clue if they are the same in US). I use Elcon for face because it is said that is less strong than Dermovat. The eyebrow seems to respond to this treatment (does it?), though not all of it seems to grow out. The rest of the hair no. Moreover the cream for the face gave me a very bad skin reaction and now i have all big pimples filled with puss on my chins and my beard. There are also some pimples on my head too but less visible. As i expect this is a reaction of the cream i stopped using it a couple of days ago to see if the condition of my skin will get better.

I did went to the doctor to ask about changing the treatment (not related to this problem in particular) however she told me that there is no other treatment for patients like me.

My question is, after stopping the treatment did the pimps started to go away and the skin was again clean?



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